
Moncler StoreDriving Mercedes-Benz driver wounded man collision police prosecutors disagreed

Ms. Wong finally out of danger, there was a lot of brain complications, such as auditory hallucinations, amnesia, headache. Police eventually arrested for the crime of intentional injury to Detention Liu XX, Liu XX detained Detention Center. After the incident being reported, caused widespread concern.

after eight months later, the case into the trial phase. Reporters learned yesterday, the police provided The Procuratorate think, should be investigated for the crime of negligence causing serious injury batterer's criminal responsibility. Families of the victims of the Procuratorate

event playback

Ms Wong's husband,[url=http://www.uggclearancemall.com/]UGG Sale[/url], Mr Yip on the prosecution raised the question: and the right brain ventricle compression deformation, the bit line offset 0.7cm? How can become negligent harm? doctors willing to be named,[url=http://www.wholesalein.in/]Moncler Online[/url], said Ms. Wong conducted two before and after the craniotomy, up from the injury determination, it must be the right amount of being a hit, rather than lying on the ground after the impact with the ground caused by the brain.

minor abrasions due to two cars, a Mercedes-Benz driving Liu XX virtues of a woman wounded man! September 30, 2009, Jing Bao published in Although Ms. Wong the victim out of danger, but left brain side effects. The batterer is held in the detention center, waiting for the law.

lawyers say

According to several witnesses said the same day, Liu XX batterer's attitude is very arrogant, telling Ms Wong hit the head. Ms. Wong was knocked to the ground, the Liu XX also shouting: Ms. Huang is on the ground mouthful of blood, his face pale, covered with rain Linde has been wet, but Liu XX has not the slightest regret, but ridiculed the wounded: a return to the car and a woman started laughing. Before police arrived, Liu XX tried to drive away, surrounded by people enraged the crowd to be stopped. Liu XX then back to the police station for investigation.


night, Ms. Huang was sent Fukuda hospital by a medical diagnosis, the right frontal intracranial hemorrhage, brain swelling, part of the brain tissue necrosis, and hospitals to Ms. Huang's family issued a notice of serious illness. Ms. Huang's condition deteriorating then, the next day were immediately transferred to City Second People's Hospital for craniotomy. After more than five hours of surgery, doctors removed a piece of skull Ms Wong the right forehead, after the release of internal hemorrhage, but also on the removal of a brain tumor.

reporter Zhu Yi Jing Bao / text, graphics

Guangdong Shenzhen Tiancheng Yang determined lawyer law firm that the measure of intentional injury and negligent injury of the main criteria should be made to harm the suspect in the act to determine the wishes of the subjective psychological. head, rather than the subjective psychological intentional fault,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com]Moncler Store[/url], so, Liu XX should be prosecuted to the crime of intentional injury, not the crime of negligence causing serious injury.

Xu, Futian District, Imperial City Square car park exit, a company manager, Liu XX 44-year-old Mercedes-Benz cars driving a car with another minor collision, Liu XX continually insults off each other after the first owners of Ms Wong, then In the case of the traffic police to the scene, Ms. Huang Liu XX to strike hit the head, resulting in the spot Ms. Wong fell to the ground unconscious.

yesterday, Ms Wong's husband, Mr Yip told reporters that the case has entered the trial phase, but it appeared to him the case of unexpected . Mr Yip said, Futian District Prosecutor's Office's has violated the The reasons are: Liu XX during the quarrel with Ms. Wong, Ms. Huang's face toward the punch, fall caused Ms. Wong then head back ground, Ms. Huang brain injuries due to head a dramatic impact with the ground, and Liu XX's boxing is not a direct result. It is understood that the prosecution is based on a forensic examination provided by a

police and prosecutors disagree

should batterers

was to determine the subjective views

husband was beaten woman questioned the prosecution

minor two vehicle collision

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