
Beats by Dre Studio Michael JackIndigenous

Indigenous people are defined as before the colonists came from other places, live people on their land. Their ancestors in different cultures, or different races of people came, had been living in a country or a geographical area. Newcomers and later through conquest, occupation,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-studio-michael-jack-c-10.html]Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack[/url], colonization and other means, occupies a dominant position. Refers to the original inhabitants of a place 18 June 1993, held in Vienna at the World Conference on Human Rights protect their equal right to live.

distribution of Australia's indigenous Aboriginal people of Australia the most magic lies in their highly sensitive sense of smell and vision, they have a very strong sense, as used in the tracking of these skill areas will receive a miraculous effect. In New South Wales, a 4-year-old girl lost, it is not seen anywhere to be found, so the police employ an indigenous person to assist the search. That indigenous people in the girl arrived home before dawn, walking hurriedly around the room, the more the farther around, suddenly, he confidently forward along a straight line, even one leaves a stone Dian Dian a snag are he and homing object. Sometimes fast forward, sometimes kneeling Woyu land. A few hours later he found this lost little girl leaning lying exhausted in a tree next to it. Doctors of the indigenous people of this ability in-depth analysis, but still did not find where the problem lies. So to the world, the various attractions of indigenous Australia is still a mystery. Until the twentieth century, the Australian government began to realize that infringe on the rights of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia, began to improve relations with indigenous people, after World War II, the government began to try to assimilate indigenous people, forcing indigenous people to live into the township and to accept the European culture and education. Improvement of indigenous human rights truly are from 1960, the government agency set up something indigenous people, indigenous people as the original inhabitants of Australia, part of the land to return to the origin of the indigenous peoples. 1962 Aboriginal people the right to vote. Now many of Australia's indigenous people has been the policy of concessions. Also known as Native American Indians, Eskimos is in addition to the indigenous population outside the general term for all the Americas. Italian navigator Christopher Columbus sailed to America C ·, the misconception that went to India, so this way the indigenous people called the other European languages, said Indians as the Chinese translation directly to the The ethnic distribution in North and South America countries, is the American branch of the Mongoloids. Use of Indian language, including a dozen language family, has not accepted language classification. Physical race: Indians, yellow, America's oldest residents. According to legend in the 15000-25000 years ago by gradually moving into Asia through the Bering Strait, sub Bunan North America. In the very north Aisijimo and Aleut; Dry Bath Atta in North America who, Argonne Jin, Iroquois, the Soviet Union and Maas coqui, etc.; in the United States have Alzheimer Turk people, the Maya, the Caribbean people, Qibu investigators, etc.; the Incas in South America, the Guarani and Ala Wu dry and so on. Indian language is a language family. The first planting of corn, potato, sunflower, cotton, cinchona trees and other crops, to contribute to humanity. 16 centuries ago, most still in the matriarchal stage, there are a few like the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, have been formed very early slavery and high culture. 16th century was the destruction and killing of European colonizers, the development of interruption, the population decline. Existing 3,200 people. Mainly engaged in agriculture. North America about 80 million people left, most were driven into reservations and hard. In Central and South America country where the rulers are generally subject to discrimination and assimilation. Indians, Eskimos is in addition to all Native Americans outside the general term. The vast majority of indigenous peoples in America are Indians, located in North and South America countries, the traditional put it under the Mongolian branch of the Americas. Indians often said Indian, or Native American languages ​​called. But Indian groups and their languages ​​are very complex systems is the case, has not accepted classification. Name of the Indians in the late 15th century and before had said there is no uniform method. 1492, Italian navigator Christopher Columbus sailed to America C · when the mistake went to India, so this land of indigenous peoples as species has been used to refer to said law and universal law, so English and other European languages, said Indians as the Chinese translation directly to the But the 20th century, many American States Indian status has improved significantly, some government agencies or private organizations have begun to a nation After 20,000 years of Indian culture, differentiation and development, resulting in a number of different nationalities and languages. Was established in the history of the Indians had four empire,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-studio-michael-jack-c-10.html]Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack[/url], is one of the most important Aztec Empire in North America and South America, the Inca Empire. The Mayan Indians invented the Mayan language, the study of astronomy accomplished quite deep. Indians cultivated corn, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, tobacco, cocoa and other crops. However, later the Western colonialists persecution, killing the Indians, the destruction of Indian culture, resulting in the remnants of ancient civilizations materials are now not much,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-studio-michael-jack-c-10.html]Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack[/url], but the current study has drawn increasing attention to the archaeological community of American States have begun to vigorously explore the ancient Indian culture. According to statistics, during the colonial period, Spain's territory belongs to 13 million Indians were killed, about 10 million in Brazil was killed in the American Westward Movement have about one million Indians were killed. There are approximately 30 million Indians. In addition, the Indians had been mistaken for the red race, because their skin is often red, and then I was due to these red Indians traditionally used on the face painted red pigments gives the erroneous understanding. Ancient Mayan Indians * * * The Aztecs and the Incas are many other smaller tribes. Africa has a long history of indigenous people in Africa, is one of the cradles of human civilization. Since the 19th century, archaeologists have been discovered in Africa, a number of ancient human fossils, including the 1974 border with Ethiopia, Kenya dating back 3.2 million years ago, found the female ape-man fossils, is considered the world's first out of the tropical forest, began to the remains of a woman walking upright. Some human scholars use genetics to study human genes that originated in the world's nations together 4-20 million years ago a primitive tribe in Africa. They believe :400-600 million years ago apes diverged from the most primitive human left no descendants, only an African tribe to survive, before 100,000, the tribes began to move out of Africa, moved to West Asia, and then moved from the West around the world, 60,000 years ago to enter the mainland of Asia Oceania reached 4-6 years, 3.5 million years ago, arrived in Europe, before finally crossing the Bering Strait 35,000 arrived in the Americas. The move to all over the world descended from African tribes eventually formed the modern human. Africa was the first civilized society into one of the regions. 5000 BC, the ancient Egyptian Nile downstream residents mastered cereal cultivation, construction of water conservancy technology. 3500 BC, ancient Egyptians created the world's first hieroglyphs. 3200 BC, ancient Egypt a unified, centralized state of slavery. After nearly 3,000 years in time, ancient Egyptians created a splendid culture, architecture, one of the seven wonders of the ancient pyramids. Many ancient Egyptian king (Pharaoh) conquests, to expand the boundaries of ancient Egypt, when the height of Egyptian territory, south Sudan, Libya to the west, north to Asia Minor, and two East River. Expansion at the same time, the ancient Egyptian culture to spread around. Egyptian hieroglyphics incoming ancient Greece, Evolution of the Greek alphabet. Evolution of the Greek alphabet and later Latin to the modern West. Existence of a powerful ancient Egypt nearly 3,000 years, during this period, Egypt repeatedly outward expansion, but also by four weeks of repeated invasion of a powerful nation. In 525 BC, the Persians conquered Egypt. Since then, Egypt lost its independent status, have been Macedonians, Romans, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, long-term rule. Sudan is located in the upper reaches of the Nile of ancient Egypt one of the main targets of expansion. At that time, the Egyptians called the Sudanese Nubia. In 2000 BC the region on the establishment of the country. The invasion of Egypt to the great damage caused by the local. 8th century BC, a large-scale outbreak of Sudanese opposition movements, sent packing Egyptians, Marcus established the Kingdom. In 751 BC, Egypt conquered Marcus Kingdom, the establishment of the Egyptian 25th dynasty. Marcus's rule in Egypt lasted 88 years. Later,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-studio-michael-jack-c-10.html]Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack[/url], Marcus kingdom moved the capital Mailuo Ai, embarked on a road of independent development. Marcus Kingdom is located in West Asia, North Africa and the transport routes in Africa, northeast Africa to become an important trade center. Marcus who mastered the metal fabrication technology, is the center of the Mediterranean south of the largest smelting iron. Like them and the Egyptians, who created the splendid ancient culture. 350 BC, emerging conquered the Kingdom of Axum Kingdom of Coos. Located in the Kingdom of Axum in northern Ethiopia, the founding of BC. 1st century AD, Axum kingdom began to expand outwards. To the 4th century AD, Axum have conquered southern Ethiopia, Marcus Kingdom and the Kingdom of southern Arabian peninsula, reached its peak. Has been an unprecedented national economic development and create a still in use in Ethiopia text. Axum's strong situation going on for centuries. AD 570, the Persians were driven out of the Axum Arabian Peninsula, then, the Arabs cut off Aksum's maritime trade routes. In the 7th century, the powerful invasion of the nomadic kingdom of Axum was a disaster. Ethiopians gradually relegated to the central highlands, has maintained an independent status. Ethiopia, south of East Africa. North from the Somali Peninsula, south to the northern coast of the South African east coast of Africa and the African continent for trade exchange with the outside areas. Starting from the late 7th century, the Arabs began to move to good business in all the East African coastal city of residence. In the long-term contacts among the local Arabs and Africans intermarried, creating a new nation - Swahili. Swahili culture has absorbed Arab, Persian culture, Indian culture and East Asian, Southeast Asian culture, the basis of the local culture to create a commercial city with a distinctive feature of the Swahili civilization and culture. 13-15 century, Swahili civilization reached its peak. Chinese Ming Dynasty, Zheng He's voyages, there was a number to reach the east coast of Africa, trade with the Swahili. Inland areas in East Africa, around Lake Victoria, there have been a powerful kingdom, such as Bugno Luowang Guo, Buganda Kingdom. They have several hundred or even thousands of years, is the centralized state. To the 19th century, with the intensification of internal contradictions and the invasion of Western imperialism, both large and small out of the Kingdom of the stage of history. Southern Africa was virtually no written records of ancient history. 1868 West Stone found in the ruins of Zimbabwe today shows where there have been a brilliant civilization. In the Congo Basin in Central Africa there had been several important kingdom. 14th century, today the Congo (DRC) of the southwest and northern Angola, the Congo kingdom. Kingdom of the Congo, the country has a significant tribal features. Commune residents belonging to various tribes, tribal communal land to all, commune members assigned to the farming commune members to the headman, the chief contribution to the part of the harvest, elders, chiefs and then some of them contribute to the king. 1483, the Portuguese began to enter the territory of the Kingdom of Congo. They used fabric, silk, knives, mirrors, glass beads and other low-cost industrial bribery king and officials at all levels to help them plunder slaves from neighboring regions. Congolese officials have become accomplices of the colonists. Congo slave trade intensified social contradictions, and ultimately lead to the collapse of the Kingdom. In 1665, the Kingdom of Congo split into several small kingdoms. West Africa into a civilized society the older areas. In the north of Guinea, sub-Saharan region, there have been ups and downs many large and small kingdom, most notably the rise in West Africa has central Ghana, Mali and Songhai. Today, the Republic of Ghana and Ghana is geographically unrelated. Gujia Na Kingdom early in the year, to the 11th century, the heyday of Ghana into the Kingdom. Ghana's world-famous King of gold, even the palace of the dog wearing the collar are gold or silver. 1076, Morocco conquered Ghana, Ghana has never recovered. 1200, King Sumangulu Susu tribe conquered remnants of Ghana, Ghana Kingdom since disappeared. 1235, more than 500 years of history in the loose end of the Mali kingdom, led by Art defeated the Susu tribe king Sumangulu army. Ghana, Mali, gradual control of the former kingdom of the land and become a stronger, more prosperous country. The early 14th century, King Mansa Musa to Mecca pilgrimage, followers of 6 million people, with 84 camels mule Jinsha. All of a sudden, Mali rich famous Islamic world. King also invited a number of Islamic scholars to give lectures in Mali, the Mali an Islamic research center. After 1360, the Kingdom of Mali's civil war because of a fight for the throne, began to decline, shrinking territory. Songhai back in the mid-7th century AD, had been established, was located in the middle reaches of the Niger River dendi region. The early 11th century, moved the capital Gao, Ming Jiaao kingdom after the change is one of Mali, the country of origin. Mali decline to create the conditions for the rise of Songhai. Half of the 15th century, has become a powerful Songhai empire. But Songhai Empire lasted only 100 years of flourishing situation. Internal strife to an external force have a chance. In 1591, Moroccan troops occupied the capital of the Songhai of Timbuktu. Songhai Empire ceased to exist. North Africa and West Asia are closely linked, the 9th century BC, the Phoenicians came good at doing business in West Bay coast of Tunisia now established a business location, beginning in colonial North Africa. After a long period of development, there gradually formed a strong slavery - Carthage. Carthage became the commercial center of the Mediterranean region. In order to compete with the then Roman hegemony in the Mediterranean, Carthage and Rome for as long as 100 years of war. Finally, the defeat of Carthage, Rome's territory included. BC, the entire North African region have been incorporated into the Roman territory. In the 7th century, the Arabs occupied North Africa, North Africa as part of the Arab world. Since then, several North African countries (except Sudan) to the fate of even together, and have an integral link with the West. 16th century, where they become part of the Ottoman Empire until the Western colonists into North Africa before, there has been a Turkish sphere of influence. In the 15th century,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-studio-michael-jack-c-10.html]Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack[/url], emerging from the Arab domination of the Spanish and Portuguese began to board the African continent, seeking to develop new space. They have been south along the west coast of Africa, trying to find a new channel to the East. Spain sent in sailing westward, while the Portuguese are constantly looking towards the south east of the route. 1487, the Portuguese Dias in the King's encouragement, the organization ships sailed south along the coast of Africa, southern Africa's Cape of Good Hope to reach. Then, the Portuguese Vasco da Gama's fleet of more organized, on July 8, 1497 from Lisbon, first follow the route discovery Dias, in November the same year reached Cape of Good Hope, and from there off sail north. March 1498, Vasco da Gama reached Mozambique, and under the guidance of an Arab guide, set up a base. Since the resistance of local people were, he purchased a large number of spices, silks, precious stones and other Oriental specialties after return hastily. He brought back the goods of this net profit is 60 times the cost of all the sailing. In the later voyage, the Portuguese brought more troops and artillery to defeat organized resistance throughout the Indian Ocean, the establishment of a number of commercial and military bases, and finally control the route to the east of this route. The discovery of new routes brought wealth to Europe, Africa gave brought disaster. In order to reap huge profits, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom and other European colonists began selling black Africans to the Americas. The prevalence of slave trading in the 1502-1808 period alone, sold slaves to the United States reached 600 million. Evil and cruel slave trade, have seriously undermined Africa's productivity, hindering the development of Africa, to the African people brought grave disaster. In the late 19th century, have been completed or in progress of the industrial revolution in Western countries requires a lot of industrial raw materials and the broad market, they stepped up to the invasion of Africa, starting from the coast inland to the immersion of Africa, set off a frenzy of carving up of Africa. In order to coordinate the interests of all countries, from November 1884 to February 1885, Britain, France, Germany, ratio, Pu, Italy and other 15 countries met in Berlin to an agreement in the form of Africa was divided up. To a pre-war, the entire African continent only Liberia and Ethiopia also remain independent, the rest of the countries and regions all became a colony or semi-colonial Western powers. After World War II, the African people for national independence and liberation movements flourished. Since the 1950s began, African countries have achieved independence. In 1974, Angola, Mozambique and other countries declared independence, the collapse of Africa throughout the colonial system. April 18, 1980, Zimbabwe declared independence, the West's colonial rule completely disappeared from Africa. Independent country in Africa has reached 50. Newly independent African countries have recognized the status of solidarity and cooperation of the importance of April 1958, the first meeting of independent African countries, Egypt, Liberia and Ghana eight countries attended the meeting. Participating countries agreed to strengthen unity and cooperation. African Unity movement began. May 1963, 31 independent African leaders gathered in Addis Ababa, held unprecedented summit meeting of independent African countries. Conference on the Independent and united Africa in the world political arena is playing an increasingly important role. The international community's support and joint efforts of African countries, many of Africa's problems have been resolved. In March 1990, the last colony in Africa, Namibia, South Africa's ruling out of the declaration of independence. Policy of apartheid white regime in South Africa have gradually abandoned the policy of racial discrimination. In 1994, the first time in the history of South Africa held a non-racial national election. Nelson Mandela was elected president. April 12, was sworn in as South African President Nelson Mandela, announced the birth of the new South Africa. The establishment of the Republic of Namibia and the birth of the new South Africa, declared the African people for national independence and political emancipation of the historic task of successfully completed, the old Africa has entered a new historical period. Further reading: 1

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on Indigenous Issues Expert Qin Xiaomei

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