

Baike card

trioxide, commonly known as arsenic, formula As2O3, is the most commercial value of arsenic in arsenic compounds and the main starting materials chemistry. It is also one of the oldest toxic, odorless, white frosted appearance of powder, it said arsenic. This is specified by certain types of mineral processing produced highly toxic by-products, such as gold mining, high-temperature distillation of arsenic pyrite (arsenopyrite) and cooled to its white smoke and so on.


About Geographic distribution of morphological features antique flowers information technology Introduction Introduction Since ancient times, red-crowned head of the deadly, incurable. Minister said the emperor in death, the gift of wine is placed in Ministers are also set to In martial arts, martial arts myself used to display things such highly toxic poison of their superior skills. In fact, these allegations are unfounded.


Crane posture elegant, graceful dance, song, such as flute, full of phonology, very popular since ancient times, in ancient poetry, paintings and other works of art, the beauty of its correction form, all blown away. Hence the name. gonadotropin effect on gonads, sex hormone secretion and promote its role in the results. For the season, the spring, when the red heat larger areas, and colorful; winter is small. For the emotions, the easier the larger the red zone, bright color; fears is small. For health, the health of the red area is relatively large; illness is reduced, and the color was dark, the surface is also slightly white. When after the death of red-crowned crane, the Real They eat small animals, and there is nothing unusual after the reaction, which shows that the So, the ancients called In fact, these things is arsenic, arsenic trioxide is impure, red, also known as dichromate, a highly toxic, Overview of poison since ancient times, red-crowned crane head of the Heding often appear in the novel, but access to all books, not the entry, there are crane crane meat, bone and Crane Crane brain can be used as medicine, but are non-toxic, and are nourishing gain drug. For example, Crane brain, can enhance eyesight, make night visibility material. Heding what, check out some of the less formal article, the letter said Heding is red stone. Red Letter stone is a natural mineral arsenic trioxide, arsenic is the famous after processing. May be due to the red letters on red stone is the name used Heding, legendary ancient Tibetan official who will be moving in Guanzhong it necessary to commit suicide, as a trusted party. Arsenic enters the body,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/][b]title=UGG Ireland[/b][/url], and the combination of sulfur protein, protein denaturation loss of activity, can block the intracellular oxidation for energy means that people can die quickly for lack of ATP, and a similar mechanism of action of hydrocyanic acid. Arsenic Trioxide pure white crystalline powder, easily sublimated. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in acid, soluble in alkali. Impure arsenic often with red or red and yellow block crystals or granules, which contain small amounts of arsenic sulfide, commonly known as red arsenic. Ancient backward production technology, resulting in both arsenic and sulfur with a small amount of sulfur. Which contains sulfur and silver contacts, from a chemical reaction can make the surface layer of black needles of the Participation of sulfur and sulfide. Silver metal is chemically stable under normal conditions does not react with the arsenic. It is white powder, no odor, and flour, starch, baking soda is very similar, so easy to eating poisoned.


highly toxic arsenic into the human body can damage respiratory enzymes in some cells, the cells can not get oxygen and die; can strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, mucous membrane ulceration, bleeding; can also damage blood vessels, bleeding, liver damage, severe respiratory and circulatory failure due to death. Symptoms of acute arsenic poisoning in two: the gastrointestinal type, the most common. Amount of time with the onset of the size and degree of gastric filling and different, fast 15-30 minutes, 4-5 hours can be slow, usually about 1 hour. Start pharynx a burning sensation, thirst, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting followed by the sharp, initial vomiting of food, followed by vomiting yellow water, and severe diarrhea, initially as an ordinary stool, and then was rice soup. Decreased urine output, body temperature, blood pressure, collapse, coma and finally death due to circulatory failure. Neural-type, are rare. Such as the one taking a large number of arsenic, can cause severe circulatory failure, hypotension, weak rapid pulse, shallow breathing, central nervous system paralysis. The symptoms are dizziness, headache, muscle pain, cramps, rapid unconsciousness, followed by respiratory paralysis, death within one hour. Toxic dose of arsenic trioxide 0.005-0.05g, lethal dose of 0.1-0.2g. It was also serving a large number of arsenic into (3g) and die; This is due to the strong arsenic stimulation of the stomach, causing intense vomiting, will swallow the arsenic absorbed by the body will not spit it out, so no serious consequences. The main ingredient is arsenic arsenic, arsenic toxicity in the natural state is not strong, but its compounds are often highly toxic. We usually see a white powder, that arsenic is impure arsenic trioxide. Several centuries ago, the killer chose to kill arsenic as a tool, in addition to its toxicity, but also because arsenic odorless and tasteless, it is difficult to be tested out in the body. Early symptoms of arsenic poisoning often been confused with other diseases. Until the 1820s, the French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte died a famous military strategist, scientists have only tested out from his body arsenic, and realized that this lethal effect of toxic substances. Napoleon had just died, the official conclusion that he died of stomach cancer. But some scientists say that, Napoleon's wallpaper in the bedroom with a green paint, wallpaper and gradually damp rot with this paint by arsenic doping and composition will gradually oxidized form of steam evaporate. This is the root cause leading to the death of Napoleon. Whether the secret of Napoleon's death can not be attributed to arsenic, but in France, the arsenic as From these legends, the toxic effects of arsenic can get a glimpse. The glorious history of arsenic arsenic was first used to treat syphilis or tuberculosis as a supplementary drug, after being developed to control pesticides or rat poison. However, due to the strong toxicity, arsenic has long been seen as a murder weapon. Two thousand years, arsenic has been with the However, medical studies have shown that a small amount of arsenic intake may be beneficial to human health,[url=http://www.moncler-online.de/][b]title=Moncler Outlet Online[/b][/url], and this highly toxic substance can be used to treat some blood disorders. More and more scientists and doctors began working on the positive role of arsenic. To name the time has come to arsenic. Although arsenic is undoubtedly a Arsenic in the treatment of human diseases, can play many roles. Historically, long the arsenic compounds for the treatment of sleeping sickness, tuberculosis, skin diseases and other ills of the record. U.S. Niuyuesainai Hill Medical School Professor of Clinical Medicine, Samuel Waxman Cancer experts said: at the end of the era (the ancient Greek Hippocratic doctors, life's about 460 years BC - 370 BC, known as the father of medicine), it is used to treat one form or another. arsenic medicinal peak period in the late 19th to early 20th century, almost all of the pharmacists will use the drug. a certain dose of arsenic to enhance their physique; 17th century England, arsenic compounds are used for extracting a variety of preservatives; found a 1909 arsenic compounds - Arsenic has long been used to cure any namin syphilis , yaws and other pylori infection, until the 1940s was only replaced by penicillin. Arsenic was miraculous today, the use of arsenic has been strictly controlled, but in the treatment of some parasitic diseases, is still ultimately the help of arsenic. In addition to the medical field, arsenic, or an integral part of a semiconductor device elements, when present in more arsenic in gallium arsenide. Time in recent years, more and more as TCM has been broad consensus in the medical use of arsenic in the treatment of some neoplastic diseases, especially acute leukemia, the practice of the spinal cord has also been confirmed. This blood disease patients, because the body produces abnormal genetic mutations and protein, white blood cells produce normal would be interference with the death. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration confirmed that arsenic trioxide compound to make self-elimination of abnormal proteins have the ability, so that the growth of white blood cells return to normal. Waxman said: Arsenic trioxide compounds have been increasingly used to treat diseases such as lymphoma, prostate cancer or uterine cancer in clinical practice. Recent studies also showed that small amounts of arsenic are also essential nutrients the human body, it can promote the metabolism of methionine, thus preventing the hair, skin and nail growth disorders. U.S. officials offered the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center on pharmaceutical research division Eric Kewu Tucci that the small amount of arsenic harmless, even beneficial. But he added that this does not mean blind people to Life in the formation of a variety of seafood arsenic, such as shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, etc., contain chemical element arsenic in vivo. General content is small, but increasingly serious environmental pollution may make these animals reached a high level of arsenic. Shrimp prices in vivo by chemical arsenic is pentavalent, under normal circumstances, pentavalent arsenic is not harmful to humans. Theoretically, high doses of vitamin C (one-time intake of more than 500 milligrams of vitamin C) and pentavalent arsenic through complex chemical reactions, will be transformed into toxic trivalent arsenic (that is, we often say price reaches a certain dose of arsenic can lead to human poisoning. Shrimp from the harmless to the body of harmful arsenic Only in a large number of prawns at the same time, one taking 500 mg of vitamin C tablets, it may lead to First aid measures 1 people found eating arsenic poisoning, induce vomiting as soon as possible, in order to discharge toxins. Emetic method is to let the patient drink a lot of warm water or dilute salt water (a cup of water and add a spoonful of salt). Then the index finger and middle finger out into the mouth and tongue, throat irritation, vomiting can be. Best to drink plenty of water and vomiting in patients with repeated until the color of water-like liquid spit up. (2) may be the charred bread into powder, so that patients eat, to poison adsorption. Also drink a lot of milk (3-5 bottles), egg white (4-5) to protect the gastric mucosa. 3 arsenic poisoning, can make the appropriate first aid treatment, which is the key to determining a patient's life and death. Then be quickly sent to the hospital, because modern medicine has been the effects of arsenic poisoning antidote ─ ─ dimercapto-propanol, it enters the human body can combine to form non-toxic and toxic substances. Arsenic character is white powder, odorless, tasteless, soluble in water, ethanol, acids and bases. Heat rose smell of garlic powder and hair. Pinyin: Pi Shuang [Chinese name] arsenic trioxide; arsenic anhydride; arsenic; arsenic trioxide; arsenic anhydride [English name] arsenic trioxide; arsenous oxide; arsenous acid anhydride Molecular formula] [relative molecular weight] 197.83 [density] monoclinic 4.15; cubic 3.865 (25 / 4 ℃); amorphous 3.738 melting point (℃)] cubic 278; monoclinic 312.3; amorphous 315. Boiling Point (℃)] 457.2 [toxicity LD50 (mg / kg)] human oral lethal dose 70 to 180 mg / kg. [Properties] in three variants: colorless monoclinic crystal, colorless cubic crystals, amorphous dissolved water-soluble arsenite generated. Monoclinic and cubic crystals soluble in ethanol, acids and alkalis. Amorphous soluble in alkali, insoluble in ethanol. [Use] for the glass industry and the preparation of drugs, pesticides, herbicides and so on. Preparation or sources] can be derived from the distillation of arsenic-containing ore calcining. [Other] is highly toxic. Precipitated ferric hydroxide by the burning of magnesium oxide with a mixture of micro can be used as antidotes. Category: Soft rock for the refined products derived by the distillation process: such as Ru Jian, the elderly wins, flat short those times. large who is inferior, films such as fine dust even under those extreme, when used as Rujian elderly medicine. Name arsenic anhydride (Arse-nous oxide, Arsenous acid anhydride, As2 O3), white, octahedral-shaped crystal, arsenic trioxide plus heat can be sublimated, refined it easier; arsenic sublimate common name, ingredients still As2 O3. In addition to the red arsenic is still outside with AS2 O3 with a Soft red mineral stone. Oxidation of four with six main arsenic, As4O6, such as those containing ferric iron and sulfide is significantly red; The analysis of natural products still contain a small amount of tin, iron, antimony, calcium, magnesium, titanium, aluminum, silicon and other elements; processed impurities composition depends on the raw material and processing. Tropism of taste: bitter, hot, toxic. Function: expectorant only pant, cut malaria, pitting corrosion, pesticides. Indications: treatment Hantan asthma, malaria, dysentery rest, syphilis, hemorrhoids, M. scrofulaceum, cursory Yagan, ringworm sores, ulcers, carrion is not off the chemical composition As2 O3, equiaxed crystal octahedral crystal class. Crystal to single crystal octahedron, rhombic dodecahedron there. Collection of star, hull shape, hair-like, earthy, bell emulsion. White sometimes with sky blue, yellow, red tone, but also colorless, white or yellow streak. Glass to adamantine luster, some fat, silky luster. Mohs hardness 1.5, specific gravity 3.73-3.90, complete cleavage, fracture conchoidal, brittle, soluble in water, is highly toxic. Heding, Antiaris. Goldfish are goldfish in the shape of features Heding the text types, body like carp, dragon eye shorter than the width of the fins are well developed. It is clean and beautiful body, agile, gives a fresh and lively sense of the body silvery white scales shining, white body, red head of the Health and sarcoma, tail raised, like swimming, like a crane dancing, very elegant. To sarcoma Founder thick, bright red color for your person, other issues such as yellow, white irregular for the times. Body white jade, slightly pointed rounded head, only the head to generate a slightly raised red meat spots, like the red-crowned crane on top of the head, especially magnificent. Age of the older fish, red meat spots uplift its more full. Japanese growth and reproduction Heding improved by the Chinese carp breeding. In ancient times, once as a gift to China, palace popular favorite! In Tu's Bright white body, wide-body short, the head of raw red sarcoma high arched or square, or round, like red-crowned crane, and is limited to the top, hence the name Heding. Tail fin grew up, more than length, swimming, elegant and easy, like the crane dance, chic a group, of which the sarcoma Founder thick, bright red color is preferred. The fish selection is not easy, those who rarely reproduce in the top grade is really thousands of miles to pick ten, Barry election, very rare for an outstanding senior in the goldfish. Village of Hebei five regions Heding, when the head at the top of the high red meat spot disease uplift, was chop-shaped, thick, plump, covering the head, the North called larval head was elevated and full erythema, different from Heding. Dan said the top Japanese goldfish. Flower morphology Heding, a flower name, leaf wide oval to broadly elliptical, 5-7 cm long, 3.5-5.5 cm wide,


Zhiji tip tip tip short, base rounded, leaves Stretch, hypertrophy. Flowers purple, 12-15 cm in diameter, Heding 30-35 petals, 6-7 rounds of the film students, for the neat imbricate, petals slightly during the initial period music, gradually smaller from the outside, inside round white petals with a pink ribbon stripes, the rest of the petals with silver undercoat. Most of stamens into petal-like, only a few remnants of staminodes. Pistil degradation. Flowering 2-3 months. Geographic distribution of the species of origin Dali, because purple petals and a white short-haired, and therefore, About antique flowers subtropical rainforest of eastern origin helmet hornbill, beautiful solid texture due to head and helmet, and man hunt made crafts, and once a tribute and trade, etc. into China, named as the top crane. Crane has been the top into China during the Yuan Dynasty, but it is widely known for the people of Zheng He's voyages after. For producing country, many thought that tribute, Gudian system not only in the country following the tribute, and also provides a formal reward price. Chaoguei used for manufacturing glass, belts, etc. are provided for Autumn. Ming Ye Houguo situation worsened, not far tribute to, the material gradually rare, and thus Tenggui; to the early Qing Boycott policy implementation, cut off trade with the origin in China Suizhi vanish. However, because I saw the finished products but not see living creatures, so Ming multiple accounts of those who have corrupted assumptions. Side of this argument. Process features an antique in Heding, more than its material Kuanjin inch, yellow outside red inside, like ivory texture more refined, more as a variety of small carving, allow for the antiques in the Treasure. This is certainly not pull the legendary machine heartbroken poison, and can not be red-crowned crane (japanese crane, grus japanensis) of the head part, but what things? See today without this material, but hundreds of years ago, Chinese people are not familiar with historical data in the constant known as the The bird known as the helmet hornbill this much (helmeted hornbill), is Coraciiformes (coraciiformes), hornbill Division (becerotidae). Classified as an original helmet hornbill (rhinoplax), more recent scholars, advocates and return angle hornbill is (buceros), so the scientific name has rhinoplax vigil with buceros vigil two said.


main body hair was dark brown, wing tips and tail feathers are white, and black wide stripes. The male head and neck bare skin, red. The first appearance of bright red helmet in the rear, the front and a yellow beak. The mother bird is light blue neck, small head and helmet color than light. Size of all hornbill species in the largest, the male bird from beak tip to tail about 125 centimeters, 50 centimeters long and has two elongated central tail feathers; mother bird slightly smaller size without the long tail feathers. Produced in the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra and other places around 1500 meters, the following low-elevation forests, its head helmet has called hornbill ivory. Hornbill species in those parts of a head helmet, mostly hollow, alone this solid, it can be used for carving. The so-called crane top is the male bird's head helmet. Usually live in pairs or small groups, reproductive characteristics, as in most hornbill species in the same nest in tree holes, in which the female to lay eggs, the male seal the hole with mud, leaving only a small hole from the outside feeding, chicks hatching long feathers close to full-time, the female was flying out of the hole. Is omnivorous feeding habits, recipes, including fruit, insects, lizards, and snakes and so on. The information people have the birds did not appear to know as early as the Yuan Dynasty. See historical data, the first a The mind that produced the state-owned Dan, Kelantan, Su Luo Ge, Aralia horns, must answer the assassination of the text and so on. But not made it as a tribute. The first thought that tribute into the Chinese, who may in the Yuan room. According to adorned, borneol and other things. The tribute mostly native Southeast Asia, it should be located in Southeast Asia, most scholars believe that the lower Chao Phraya River in Thailand today. Luo Gok the tribute of the Fine play context, the Up


and a large number of contacts in after Zheng He, Zheng Zhen Gong suite of Sheng Lan, Because of its special helmet head, so often as a tribute to producing countries into China. According to God has made Fumio capacity crane top horse, but had not made its contribution. Sign of the The earliest detailed description of this bird may Zheng entourage Ma Huan. According to not Trinidad and Tobago. The Admiral's entourage who may be the beginning of an eye-opener to a foreign land, a variety of Rare feast, so do not pay special attention to this. Helmet hornbill main body hair to dark brown, Ma Huan-called Ma Huan perhaps no living thing, the mere description of the natives; may see living creatures, although has not been carefully observed, but also by the . In addition to The , Transcription not careful, it has this error. class pelican and sharp, a large female is slightly smaller than the male. That create foot foot foot foot one inch is equivalent to one point, But this is not migratory birds, even if lost will not have far to fly from Borneo and other places to Fujian, the so-called May be subjectively identified it as a large waterfowl, so think of pelicans, then that provision. Penan that wine, This may be related to Malay hornbill (rhinoceros hornbill, buceros rhinoceros) mistakenly mixed into one. The bird, according to that the drinking device. The last time to pay tribute, according to And the tribute is not regular. Quartet tribute to the Ming court cases of reward, in fact, a disguised form of trade. Some of the top crane tribute, though not often, but also to set the price system that relied upon, Hongzhi to note between the price of dollars, set its value is By Ming Ming Bao notes are legal tender, but the notes by the issuance of floating price depreciation leading to abuse, in fact, has already lost business functions, general trading more silver money, this is not a non-related questions on this. Because it is legal tender, choosing the set of Huang Huang code system as a benchmark, this provision may be a little push from the top of the crane price. On the same data to see the value of gold every two notes fifty consistent, every two Fifteen Strings of Coppers silver, ivory catty five hundred text, then, value of each silver top fifteen crane, a crane may be for the top couple of pounds of ivory. Crane is the top most common system for use with. Cit According to that system, the official uniform system, a court dress goods, vestments, public service, dressed in uniforms of four, with a different use. Court dress, offering to take leather belt, jade customize a product, two products with the rhino, Mishina four items with gold. Public to take belt, a product with a jade or flowers or elements, of the second with a rhino, third grade fourth grade gold lychee, often taking the strap, a product of jade, of the second rhinoceros with flowers, Mishina Golden with four product elements gold belt. These formal requirements can not be discounted, especially when North Korea will be used if in accordance with uniform, there is no guarantee correct instrument was not Censor impeachment. However, Jiajing Di for many years in court, neither North Korea will in fact, the courtiers then no correction of casual wear those. Taking North Korea, vestments of the occasion is not always, and the solemn ritual, not haphazard, a pattern can be arbitrary, and should be dressed in uniforms of public service belt and belted. Wang Shizhen said: sea ​​turtle, crane top, silver mother, that angle, gamma-nan, with the settling velocity. , gamma-nan, settling velocity, etc. relative to Mu. The modern town of Zhou said: . This said, although a valid point, but still need to consider. At least before the end of the Ming, over-hunting that is worthy of discussion. As we all know, human beings in recent decades the development of the rainforest, is reduced leading to many local species, the disappearance of the main reason. If the helmet hornbill in four or five years ago the brink of extinction, then the habitat destruction by modern times, I am afraid exhaustive planted as early as today. As mentioned earlier, to Wanli tribute not to far away, the top of the crane into the Chinese Lai Min-wide multi-ship operators, and in fact already very rare. Development on the political situation is concerned, to Junji, Kangxi, the Qing court to prevent the forces of Zheng Chenggong's maritime Boycott for many years, foreign trade along the coast near standstill, so this thing into Turkey is no longer conceivable. Over time, many people do not know this curios, no quest for extra-territorial. If so, though small craft in a rare, but this a rare species which can survive, but so far, this is perhaps a blessing. Atlas Atlas entry for more pictures

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