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Great! A euphemism, I his friends who rule rhinitis, behind acne, remove odor, natural increase eyelash ... ... all sorts of remedies ... ...

official my classic recipe please my confidence. 1, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): Health white radish juice, two drops each drop of the nose (both nostrils two drops), twice a day, once every 4-5 days and can dig up the roots. Jichi pepper, pepper.

2, dizziness (head morning dizziness, vertigo): a duck, bean 20, stir boiling water, the morning flight, once a day, 7 days of special effects. Avoid to drink, spicy.

3, get sleep, dreams: before going to bed with a half-basin of hot water, plus twelve together vinegar foot soak for 20 minutes, and light blue 1-2 raw root.

4, dry cough (caused by cold or other reason may be): Health and black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were broken open water the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eating fish .

5, stomach pain, spit acid, ptosis of the stomach, gastric inflammation: the first time in twelve garlic, charred skin, plus a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar fasting food, the second day, once every 7 days to cure.

6, high blood pressure, lower cholesterol: celery seed * one or two, wrapped with gauze, put 10 pounds of water decoction, early, middle and late drinking a cup. Not afraid of spicy, could, late in the evening eating raw garlic two, and fall of blood pressure, blood lipid effects.

7, heart disease, coronary heart disease: first one or two of peanut shells, green beans 5 money, a bowl of soup dose, the second, take a half months.

8, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: each with two Chaojiao wheat flour and a half, plus the amount of sugar and mix thoroughly with water, before meals, clothing, the second day, 2-3 days of special effects. Jichi persimmon, banana, light.

9, dyspepsia (indigestion with children): 4 two fried chicken skin nap research into a powder, sugar water before meals with a blunt, second day, a 2 money (about half a spoon), children half , one can be served, Jichi snail.

10, chest tightness, gas reduction: white radish seeds * 5 money, a bowl of soup served three times a day, once every 3 days of the effectiveness of consumer product against the gas.

11, neurological decline: Porcine 1 two, add a spoon of honey, steamed food, once daily, ate 5-10 days.

12, heat dry mouth: reed rhizome *, mung beans all five money, plus a bowl of water to boil, add rock sugar to reed rhizome eat bean soup, served on the second, even for 3 days. Fluid lungs, off the fire antipyretic.

13, gall bladder, kidney, urinary stones speak: The Gallus gallus, 50 g of corn, a bowl of soup a dose, 2-3 times a day, even for 10 days. Avoid eating liver, fat, egg yolk.

14, acute and chronic renal inflammation: 4 blackfish around a double, to the scales, intestine, green tea 2 money, including wire strapped into the maw of use, plus a bowl of Shuizhu Shu, fish soup, day one, ate 10-15 days. Avoid alcohol, salt, bananas, sexual intercourse.

15, Diabetes: a pig pancreas, summer melons 1 two, plus Shuizhu Shu (raw is also good), plus some less oil, salt and spices (do not add wine, sugar) eat a day a, ate 20 days.

16, a good memory: a goose egg, stir into the bowl add the amount of sugar, steamed evening flight, ate five days, a clear function of the brain damage stupid, weak memory has effects on growth , Jichi seaweed, pepper, plant blood, wine, green beans

17, urinary incontinence (urine slow, moderate live): Intestinal pair, washed and dried, fried yellow research into powder, rice wine rein, Each time an money, three times a day, served Jiyu. Avoid ginger, spicy.

18, constipation (dry guitar stool, bowel problems): with a bowl of boiled raw Kitauri participate in lard 5 money and eating too much salt, once daily, once worked, 3 days can be more .

19, snore: pepper 5-10 tablets, a glass of water before going to bed with open blisters until after a dose of cold water (pepper against the next), even for 5 days will no snoring.

20, stroke: 1 drink per day only two raw celery juice, mild disease who served a half months, titleist golf, who served from January to the more seriously ill, avoid eating lamb, duck.

21, British Columbia into effect thyroid disease: female * 9-12 grams of xanthate, lost a bowl with three bowls gently, one day Lord; whether another bubble with 50 g 1 kg black liquor, night service 1 ,5-8 the Zhou Dynasty two obvious open rate decline.

22, slow enteritis: an egg, black liquor and a half two, mixed open, sleeping every night after the service.

23, playing roundworm: raw pumpkin 20 North, peeled before eating empty suits, one eating the next day with the worm can defecate.

24, abdominal pain (abdominal pain with adult): deposited with an orange peel in the navel. Then half a catty sizzling salt (not too hot), deposited in the orange peel, it can take the pain.

25, eating pure material: leek half a catty, not chopped, add more lard fried raw, once eaten, may be pure materials with stool.

26, molar: a raw orange peel to eat before going to bed every night, ate 2-3 days, treating pediatric and adult sleep molars.

27, drooling (adult, white old man with sleep drool way): Loach half a catty, gutted roasted research into powder, with the rice wine blunt, a second money, once daily, served be.

28, the examination room calm recipe: Mr. testing halls and immersive games, often because of excessive relaxation, the occurrence of palpitation from the people, brave as the hidden field, and thus can not properly display the top. Draws your attention to a mutually implicit: Semen *, green beans and one each in two to cook a bowl of soup once finished, the second day, two days before the power of tests beginning in service, to stop the test, there is danger of God calm effect.

29, closed arthritis, frozen shoulder (including rheumatic, arthritis class dignity wet): 1 kg coarse salt consumption, the left foot resting on his right knee after the round, put the pan fried cold, less onions to be, ginger 3 money, together with a cloth, wrap the affected area by warm to cold salt; day, once every one week, no escape function of dry air cured, its?? start?? ⒈ only non-instantaneous? dê ; fraud.

30, kidney surplus low back pain: silk seeds half a catty, fried yellow research into powder. Liquor rein, every time a money, the second day, served Jiyu. Other side by the husband can cure children of postpartum low back pain.

31, cervical pain: sheep bones (raw, cooked may be) twenty-two, smashed fried yellow, dip white wine 1 kg, three days after wiping the neck, three times a day, usually no more than 15 days can cure.

32, spur (bone hyperplasia): a dog bone two or three, smashed fried yellow dip wine 1 kg, three days after the affected area with rubbing alcohol (preferably with a cup of wine to eat this), three times a day, need to use a half can be more.

33, leg cramps: * twelve mulberry fruit, a bowl of soup a drink, the second day, 5 days recovery.

34, crooked eye and mouth (facial nerve numbness): eel blood painted face, painted crooked left right and from right back with the left hand repeatedly wiping, every 2 minutes, the second day, the right distortion you are doing, that is used in conjunction anti thirty-four days.

35, prolapse of the rectum (bowel movement anal off): each with leek half a catty, 2 pounds of boiled water, wash the anal opening, the second day, wash three days.

36, down pillows (pillows or sleeping posture because of discomfort caused by neck pain): leek juice heated neck rub, rub on seven or eight times. 2-3 days to cure.

37, quit smoking: dry pumpkin vine * one or two, fried once served a bowl of Tonga amount of brown sugar, three times a day, 7 days and never want to smoke.

38, and alcohol: a live eel, put a bottle of liquor within the Baptist two days after the wine, 1 1-2 two or three times a day, will not read wine service after a permanent drink a drop of wine.

39, drinking unconscious: Pueraria * 1 money, in boiling water before drinking a cup of drink and then drink, alcohol can be the solution, so have not wake up.

40, short-lived health wine: magnet, where the black tail *, jujube, walnut, medlar * the one or two, dip liquor or wine jin, two days later by regular wine drinker he eat, such as the consumption of a variety make the old man in the Ministry of pale white, strengthen resistance to disease, have early Hing small functions.

41, luck, athlete's foot: two raw garlic, peeled half a catty vinegar soak 3 days, then garlic, rub the affected area 3 times a day. Once every 7-10 days, to kill bacteria and anti-inflammatory effects.

42, hand sweat, sweat too much: alum * 5 money, hot water, 2 pounds, with condensation soaked hands, once for 10 minutes after dipping allowed to dry naturally, once daily, 5 days limbs move sweat normally.

43, hand, foot and cracking, coarse and heavy: raw lard twenty-two, plus sugar 1 money. Stir evenly rub the limbs move, 2-3 times a day. Grams of the more common 7 days, then rub a few days later and never recurred.

44, burn: You can use egg white, sugar water, vinegar, honey, applied immediately in the burn wound, it will not blister and easy is good.

45, mosquito bites (white swelling, itching): Use vinegar, toothpaste, salt, add water and mix thoroughly coated with cigarette ash, can be immediately effective anti-itching, swelling detoxification.

46, husband children leucorrhea (vaginal discharge, smell): a raw egg from a knock a hole in the seven white pepper into the egg, the paper Kai steamed to pepper eggs, day one, ate an early star, Jichi blood, green beans.

47, outside the sun itch: Onion roots one or two of pepper 10, with Jianshui bowl, wash-yang Department, twice a day, with the wash for 3 days.

48, uterine, ovarian tumors: 6 grams of saffron, black beans 30 grams, water simmer in water to eat black beans saffron soup, day 2.

49, impotence (women's penis can not erect): magnet (call stone) 5 money, hen testicular 5, dip a pound of white wine, three days later by regular amount to drink, eat a half to be ordinary in January. (Magnet can be reused). If not taken to drink, and the daily fried two hens to eat testicles, ate a half months to January, the full recovery of function.

50, early drum (intercourse premature ejaculation in men): Yan Huang leek seeds * half a catty, with wine delivery service, a 2 money, three times a day, served the cure.

51, the effectiveness of women's sexual dysfunction (impotence not only weaken the force is not the focus of sexual function, more common in old age the body strong, but also gave rise to the excessive sexual intercourse): live freshwater shrimp or large shrimp one or two of white wine 1 kg, 5 days later by regular dip drinker to drink, wine after eating fried shrimp. Once a half months, with yang yang, female hormones to make up to enhance the effectiveness of sexual function.

52, prostatitis: 0.5 g musk, white pepper 7, research into the small end, split bottle back. The umbilical washed with alcohol, the musk into the navel, and then lift in the following pepper, white one side after the lift Chi,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Sale UK[/url], external tape affixed to loose dressing every 7-10 days 1, 10 times as course of treatment.

53, BPH: melon seeds * 30 grams, 15 grams of black fungus, Qin skin * 15 grams of water simmer in water, 2 times.

54, toothache (neurological, allergic, pain, dental caries may be): 10 pepper, white wine one or two, will pepper soaked in wine, the very bell mouth with wine after a few minutes that is effective , 2 times a day every 10 minutes, 3 - 4 days recovery.

55, periodontitis, gingivitis: with a equal amount of egg white mix drink, including the mouth, spit it out after 5 minutes, the second day (day one egg), 2-3 days of anti-inflammatory pain.

56, dental bleeding (bleeding or brush your teeth often breeds): 10 pepper, vinegar, two or three, dip two days after the mouth with a 3 minutes, 2 times a day for 5 days with special effects.

57, Xing vision back (the old light, old flowers, blurred vision): White Chrysanthemum * 2 money, medlar * 2 money, water brewing day (one can soak three times) and even drink a half to January, the water is too bright outline effect. Avoid spicy food thing, kelp.

58, cataract (cloudy crystal, so that visual landing): Tribulus terrestris * 250 grams of goat 250 grams, 200 grams of sugar, and research for the end of 15 grams per serving, 2 day service, 8 weeks effective.

59, insects to your liking: with cat urine, drop, drip sounds nice, the bugs will come out. (Extraction of cat urine method: with a large flap garlic, peeled and rub cat nose, cat throwing urine).

60, sore throat (throat dry and pain, foreign body sensation, worry, relief of both): weak tea with green tea bubble about two of water, add honey and stir half of the two daily sub- throat and slowly swallow rinse several times a day a day, 3-5 days,?? stains Nao chu? pen? feces rage? temperature? ⒙? turn feces Ge live
61, tonsillitis (voice two is initiated swelling, pain, and more generally in the cold after): twelve black fungus, stir dry research into powder, each with a half spoon of flour and honey mix well orally, the second day even for 5 days and never again send (this side when the ignition is taking place with tonsillitis).

62, sound mute (cough, way too many words, singing, and so well done within reason due to sound dumb): egg, into the bowl, a soup vinegar, stir well steamed food , day one, ate 2-3 days, the sound loud and clear. Avoid spicy.

63, chewing gum: reed rhizome * (Chen, do both) one or two, reduce carbon sugar over a bowl of decoction taken orally, discount north face jackets, once daily, evening air, and even served a week. Clear fire poison, cure stomach heat water.

64, Fishbone card throat: a more sedate person with good vinegar to drink a can. If not stop, can duck saliva of a spoon to drink, fish bone can take the initiative to dissipate. (With duck saliva method: using a piece of ginger, put beak, the duck is then hung, ducks that drip saliva).

65, drip nosebleed: Oujie *, reed rhizome * and other quality, with chopped, fried a bowl of water to drink, the main two day, once every 5 days, muddy warm Blood Circulation, never without a single income.

66, except where the Department of wrinkles: Chen two spoons of cucumber juice, egg quality,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Sale UK[/url], etc. to participate (about one egg), stir, wash your face every night before going to bed later, and then rubbed the face wrinkles, the next day toward the use Wash with warm water, once a half to January, the gradual expansion of the skin, wrinkles there to dispel effects.

67, thick black skin: skin whitening by the cosmetic, cosmetic only temporary, not a temporary rule in, draws your attention to a class of implicit rule you back a temporary table can really white skin, white and delete the recipe, there are only brief effects: bitter oil with a 5:1 mixture of white vinegar, and often rub the skin (day two or three times) to make the skin moist, reduce melanin accumulation in January after the soft white skin that is delicate, poor lubrication of elastic net net, full of goodwill. (This side of the genetic black skin are effective).

68, in addition to facial pigmentation: Chen Xi persimmon juice, honey, white, mixed 5:1 open, painted in the department, more than 10 minutes after the wash, once every 10-15 days, to make dirty black color synthesis, pale white skin.

69, hair loss, dandruff head itch: each with mulberry root bark * 4 money, pounds of water, boil wash your hair, once a day,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Sale UK[/url], washed with water not too far for 5 days, can hurry into the scalp blood circulation, there are angry with a solid place, and cure dandruff head itch, renewable hair.

70, alopecia areata bald at the end: used by 134, and rub the scalp with old ginger 3-5 times daily, and 69 with the use of a half months, after a month or two will not re-grow an old pale hair.

71, hair delete that: a 2:1 mixture of vinegar to open the beer a day and then cover with a towel to dry hair once a call, once a half months.

72, black hair black: how the tail black * black sesame seeds two or three, along with fried dry pulverization, with the sugar water transfer service, each 3 money, the time, even for a half months, kidney health can be made bogey beans.

73, weight: dry leaves * dry summer melons * 1:2 with a good, hot day with one or two a pound or so of hot water to drink, there are tired of scraping the oil to thin the effect of hand, avoid fat.

74, teeth white: with a small salt same amount of soda, add tune into a toothpaste-like, brush your teeth once a day, 3-4 days in addition to the surface all stain teeth, the teeth white

75, temporary cough (bronchitis, emphysema and other breeds cough): bright alum one or two, research into the powder into a paste with vinegar, soy freshman group to take every night before bed deposited soles of the feet (Yongquan, two feet are deposited), cloth, lift the next morning to go for 7 days with special effects.

(1) wash your hair when Xu was put outside the salt water, but also to prevent the closing off.

(2) wash your hair with vinegar, can make hair floating against, and easy to take care of both over-dandruff effect. Specially suitable hot dyed hair.

(3) brush your teeth with toothpaste on a small Minnesota punctuality, brush teeth after three snow white as jade, natural rust off the lower teeth.

(4) put a few slices of tea a day chewing in the mouth three times, it will give you mouth to maintain fragrance, three days later to remove bad breath.

(5) with a peach on the fire burning hot pain of the current teeth bite, this predicament several times and never toothache.

(6) with orange peel, a sleeping mouth, spit it out with fifteen minutes to play 3-5 times smoke can cure teeth.

(7) a day sooner or later, Chili, and slowly swallow, maintain 3-4 days, an immediate deterioration of oral inflammation.

(8) with a red Luobu Pi attached to the hole on both sides of the moon every night posted 20 minutes, can cure migraine.

(9) put the chopped onion in a small-black outside, go to bed after shaking the small cap can safely into the pillow to sleep for a few to get insomnia can be chaotic. (10) first rib injury suffered up leek mash, big girl long for the side of the urine, exposing a few hours can be long in the wound swelling, three days later to recover general. (11) at the heart of each egg with a muddy face wipe, wash with water after one hour, if often rub the skin getting old.

(12) orange with a Many oranges to oranges when you are on the Its true, that the outside are rich in flavonoids materials, be beneficial to the body harm.

(13) 8 am to 10 am and 4 pm down the gauntlet to 7 pm, is the best time sun moon regimen.

(14) tea regimen is the best time 1 hour after meals.

(15) 3 minutes after a meal is mouth, brush your teeth the best time.

(16) to come every night a warm water bath (35 ℃ ~ 45 ℃), enables homogeneous body muscles, tight joints, blood circulation slow down, supporting your safe sleep.

(17) after a meal 45-60 minutes per hour and 4.8 female walk in the fast degrees 20 minutes, the heat consuming the largest and most beneficial to add fat. If a stroll after dinner two hours later, results will be better.

(18) twilight tempering the most good.

(19) the rise of the surface when the eye drops gently Chi mouth, so it will not cure the eyes blink.

(20) into the small dust eyes, closed eyes, cough hard a few,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Sale UK[/url], the dust will be out on his own.

(21) just had just been completed when the mosquito bites, coated with white fat will not itch.

(22) If the throat, inflammation of the gums, and at night watermelon cut into small pieces, dipped in salt to eat, must be forgotten if the evening, prior symptoms will increase the next day like

(23) have the same taste of eating West, such as garlic, tofu, and eat a few peanuts just fine.

(24) pull flowers, a drop in the water washed sperm can be maintained for several days.

(25) Summer feet sweat easily, with concentrated salt water foot bath every day can cope with sweaty feet.

(26) anti-insomnia: too much before going to bed, then a small road, avoid drinking tea, before going to bed do not Dayong brain, can be used hot water and vinegar feet; (28) with one hand easily become dry and coarse humble, with a 10-minute vinegar soak hand skin;

(27) face conflict with tofu every night a few minutes, crisp hold a month, the face will become very moist Jin Yun;

(38) there are stains on the bag, you can wipe with a cotton dipped in essential balm.

1. eat spicy things, I feel we should be hot die, go out into the mouth and put a pinch of salt, containing about, spit, rinse under the mouth, not spicy;
< br> 2. teeth yellow, can be exposed after the peanut chew in his mouth, and brush your teeth for three minutes, is very effective;

3. benefits if a small area of ​​skin injury or burn injury, burn, rub on a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain;

4. often split cup of tea nice tea stains left outside, wash it with toothpaste, very clean;

5. eyedrops light rise Light mouth, so it will not cure the eyes blink;

6. mouth ulcers, use of vitamin C attached to the ulcer, ulcers, etc. It is basically like after condensation;

7 eyes into the small dust, close the eyes and cough hard a few, the dust will be out on his own;

8. washing the face, stick a finger in the nose two more fine salt is gently massage, then washed with water, blackheads and acne will be swept away, the pores have become smaller;

9. just mosquito bites just been finished, coated with soap does not itch;

10 If the throat, inflammation of the gums, and at night watermelon cut into small pieces, dipped in salt to eat, remember it must be night, prior symptoms will increase the next day just fine;

11. hair dryer on The sign of blowing, blowing, etc. hot glue this business, you can easily peel off to the sign;

12. tour with clothes, if the fear of pressure from the fold, you can put each piece of clothing are Shu Shu into;

13. punctual play hiccup when drinking vinegar, sitting rod see shadow;

14. have the same taste to eat something, such as garlic, tofu, and eat a few peanuts like;

15. cough, dry cough especially at night before going to sleep, with mixed sesame fragrant fried eggs, oil up slightly more, what seasonings are not put, by hot eaten on go to sleep, ate a few days the effect is very significant;

16. means to read a long thin MM bracelet with thick, you can not soft belt, put a plastic bag when the handle and then put on the bracelets, often a good band, it will not hand hurting, and the next is the same way;

17. chestnuts skin easy to peel, first shell off, then tactful about it in the microwave, take out after Heat a rub, the skin and lost;

18. flowers, the drop of detergent in the water, can be maintained for several days;

19. the walnuts into the steaming pot ten minutes, then broke down out on the cold water, you can completely remove the Peach kernel of;

20. the shrimp into the bowl, add a little salt, edible base powder, rub hands catch soaked with water after a while, and then washed with water and then, that make Stir the shrimp transparent as crystal, cool and tender and delicious;

21. Pork, the meat with a small post-Soviet Union suffered more than a dozen water immersion combined minutes, drained the water, and then tasty, fried into will be very old astringent;

22. the residual tea immersed in water a few days, pour in the animal roots, can improve animal growth;

23 the residue dried tea, put the toilet may ditch burning smoke, give up incense, get rid of mosquitoes, flies effect;

24. cooked rice re-heating method: used chopsticks in the rice some vertical bar consistent top pot holes, sprinkle a little rice wine heavy stew,

25. If only the appearance of half-cooked, simply turn two and then simmered in the layer can be;

26. humble addition to screens light: the clothes, the rest of cigarette smoke on the water together until dissolved, bring clean windows, screens, the effect really does not;

27. Just put in the jewelry box a small piece of chalk, to fight and preserve their shiny jewelry;

28. table, bottle traces the appearance of self-adhesive can be wiped with wind spirits;

29. go out at any time In the bag with a small battery, if the skirt to drive electric, put the battery's positive in the skirt can be removed following a few rub mobile;

30. no matter what shoes to wear your premises feet, the shoes you wear on the painted feet a little bit of liquor premises, to ensure not wear feet;

31. Hang transfer vegetables, will be needed if Billy, Billy absolute best dish of the water quality of the best applications . Dishes such as making dumplings, boiled well water is not put too much meat, but as the only guarantee of nutrients, but also taste good so no soup dumplings stuffing;

32. Winter feet sweat easily, every day, with concentrated salt water foot bath can be invalid when the sweat enough;

33. summer sun after visiting the beach, can prevent skin diseases such as Yi Yi produced;

34. summer wave propagation mold pillow easy to Mongolia often useful exposure Pillow well-being;

35. eat barley and other small Douyu so moist and spleen, may be heatstroke wet;

36. anti-insomnia: too much before going to bed, then a small road, avoid drink tea, before going to bed do not Dayong brain, can be used hot water and vinegar feet;

37. honeysuckle has spread function rheumatism, honeysuckle juice cold water to cook after taking honey brew solvable summer;

38. after eating fatty foods in the tea, can stimulate the autonomic nervous system, rushed into the fat-generation open;

39. lack of sleep will become stupid, one day need to sleep eight hours , can be extended siesta habit slow Hing old;

40. one hand difficult to change coarse and heavy loss of dry, very minute feet with vinegar to skin care;

41. summer clean mat, with the drop Add the flower water to water clean mat, the mat can insist on fresh net net. The course, wipe off the mat when the best lines along the road into the line to take water leaking into the mat pattern into said gap, so cool and tranquil feeling will be more durable;

42. Late meal to eat tomatoes , citric acid and other acidic vegetables and fruit, not conducive to Liver;

43. chill itching shampoo or bath, toilet water drops in water and add fifty-six, can play a very good cool sterilization, remove Rush antipruritic effect;

44. Grapes help with sleep hormones, eat there to help sleep;

45. summer drink tomato soup can get nourishment, but also to add water, tomato soup and should be burned hot but before drinking, contains Lycopene a set of anti-prostate cancer and had to maintain myocardial efficiency, the most suitable for women; eat acidic materials will immediately brush your teeth against teeth well-being;

46 hit up skin due to trauma, in the wound applying toothpaste to inflammation, bleeding, and then dressing as a temporary emergency rescue medicine, toothpaste, the most obvious effect of drugs;

47. will spray white vinegar in cutting board on, put half an hour after washing, not only bacteria, but also odor;

48. yogurt can sober up after a restless, yogurt can maintain the gastric mucosa, extended slow to receive alcohol and calcium rich exposed of anxiety, especially after a hangover slow invalid;

49. shoes foreskin temporarily put a moldy, the available hardware cloth dipped in alcohol-water (1:1) solution to wipe;

50 . produces headache, dizziness, toothpaste can be painted in the temple, bearing fruit for the toothpaste containing fat brain, clove oil can be pain;

51. candles chilling twenty-four hours, then pull to the birth of cake, the fight will not shed candle oil;

52. yellowing washed red underwear, it is desirable pot of water, drops of water on the twenty-three drops of blue Zhu, canada goose trillium parka, the wash off underwear soaked in a quarter of an hour, do not wring it under the sun on the moon, you can clean and white;

53. excessive oral consumption of raw onion and garlic will stimulate the stomach, for health, plus the best a little vinegar and then eat;

54. time to add water but should not drink fruit juice, bad news, Sprite, soft drinks and other beverages containing more saccharin and electrolyte drink will stimulate gastrointestinal adverse impact digestion and appetite. Thus the summer should drink boiled water or light salt (sugar) water;

55. Every morning a few minutes face conflict with tofu, crisp hold a month, the face will become very moist Jin Yun;
< br> 56. well air-conditioned room temperature not more than five degrees, even hot weather again, and it is not air-conditioned room temperature to 24 degrees below;

57. dose of enzyme detergent in warm water for a longer reaction time required ability to make laundry better;

58. summer, the movement of time has been longer, sweating, large energy-consuming function, when appropriate and more chicken, duck, fat, fish, eggs, etc. food nutrients to the body's generation of contentment opening required;

59. headaches to ground into a pulpy apple coated gauze, attached to the head and handle, the symptoms may be aggravated;

60. bag Under no stains, can be dignified with a cotton dipped in crude oil wipe

1. hiccup when the top of the tongue with sugar! Hiccup when the nose is like a drink, burp, when finger thumb pinch force in the back. Not a

2.'s Shanghai medicated soap every day red and white feet, wash your socks insoles mystery, you can go to the foot incense.

3. euphemism mango on the gas a few seconds, then peel the skin is very good

4. Tomato afraid of work medicine, scalded with boiling water, the skin will peel up the

5. to say the Earth's people know that, if the clothing does not guard against drops on the oil, before doing the laundry, keep the clothes are dry, then place the drip drip on the detergent, then rub or two , wash the child, then there would be a mimeographed

6. there is sand or into the eyes of the same thing when, immediately spit, spit more, and then stop blinking high, one hundred one hundred stupid test

7. Jieyou on the field much to the cup of tea stains, you can use toothpaste brush, wipe the tea stains on a brush up on friends

8. white shoe brush complete package of toilet paper on the sun, in the sun exposure, will be very white ~!

9. Peas on the negative, perhaps Shanghai sulfur soap with bath salts, keep a time will go up

10. Vitamin E coated eyelashes, eyelashes will become thin and long < br>
11. with a lit mosquito coils nearly wart, roast it slowly, can not wait to get away a bit and then Mongolian grill inherited about a star early on from people around the wart to root. . .

12. mouth ulcers when exposed white wine, such as paralysis of feeling, to spit. (Alcohol is also just a big vomit). Several times a day, a few days like

13. Rule rhinitis remedies, nasal rinse with salt water. This is nicely

Road Act, and others that I always put salt into warm water, sucked out from the nose, mouth and then spit it out from a lot of people feel very good heart, is not homogeneous confidence, but I personal guarantee, not cured three of our family.

14. think the next song, a lot of online network seeking to sit down only listen, but a lot has already been downloaded to your temporary folder in white (C: Documents and Settings zl Local Settings Temporary Internet Files), to re-create the outside, white paste it into other folders on it

15. after a mosquito bite with a square ball pen painted a few laps around the bite can itch
16. Shanghai sulfur fragrant white, can be put to by the subtle addition to underarm sweat Oh! ! ! !

I will buy one before the summer, water on Bohou coat in the armpit, if dry and add a little water, so that slurry from the day, at night in the shower, wash. This once or twice it, what do not need to zero in summer sweat sweat with antiperspirants or something.

17. always on hand long before the frostbite, Cayao Well, still the second year, when my father did not know where to teach, in winter the future, they just boil the water every day gun ginger and pepper. so let me a little cold water, mild foam hand. The crucial point is that the amount of hot water should never, as long as you bear it, the more heat the better, but not boiled Ha so brittle hold for some time, I hand no regeneration of frostbite.

18. slow pharyngitis can brush your teeth with salt water every morning, I continued to do so for two years from the.

19. fried fish with ginger rub the pot before .. do not stick friends

20. with soap and water wash tile floors, the effect that a okay

21 Ming Super good stuff?? Balm! Insect itching, you can also go to stains, ballpoint pen and India in this special is a clean gone.

22. talcum powder sprinkled on the appearance of white sneakers, you can attack dirty.

23. sticky paper does not lift up when blown off with a hair dryer for a few minutes, can be taken off very nervous.

24. the average concentration after the lemon juice on the hair spray, hair dryer hot air drying, the hair was slightly white wine, like dyed the same Oh!

25. stomach pain, according to the tiger's mouth hole

26. long white Luo Buqie of frostbite of the fire burned, hot wipe frostbite Department, once a day, frostbite song to dissipate , classmate tried again the second year did not long

27. very wide heavy acne toothpaste when squeezed in the following points, swelling fast, just 2 hours or so will wash, then the piece can be bitten skin black

28. drink a large bottle of demolition can be endless worry, you can put the match is not easy to leak past Oh, the bottle morning, the water can block the air intake of the unique

29. nosebleeds, they can shoot hand-dipped in cold water neck, hands middle finger can also be hooked for some time

30. have put a lot of TX at home temporary influx of the Mongolian tea - if the there is no wide-heavy oil is not clean pot, white fire slowly roasted, just 2 minutes on the OK thing - If you do not want to drink cold in the fridge to use to hide indoors, looking for a cloth to wrap it, put cold room to hide a corner, environmental protection than the common deodorants ~ ~ time to put more eggs in a large one can use two or three weeks - so soft Papa when he can pick out - or use it to clean the sink! Oh well ~ Do not use water, it is indirect in the tank walls to oil friction ~ Oh!

31. nail polish to nails after soaking in hot water, will dry quickly fast

32. children children's stockings match up easily by scraping a blunt object, come to buy After the heat on the charcoal box will hide in the cold on a female, then off, then it is not very difficult to establish a tolerance.

33. coated with saliva from the person in a smaller wound on the outside (especially abrasions, scratches, etc.), to heal wounds very secondary.

34. hearing a white Luo Buqie born in the rust on the clothes of the premises to point a few minutes - with a female must hit the incision smashing, white radish juice oozed a little bit, and then clothes put up a few minutes - plus laundry soap with water and rub the rust on a few you can try out ~ TX ~ ~

35. cosmetics tips:

mascara did not quite alcohol or baby oil just skin or eye drops water

do is nail polish nail polish nail polish

quick frozen over dry goods

mid-range home for the essence of moisture exposed to replace cream

36. sucker suction is not strong: a hot water 2 egg 3 hard condensed milk

37. The next day with a light tea or tea will be long painted eyelashes, see a week effect ~ ~ (free on the coating)

38. Perhaps sweating it too hot in winter because people would be less negative on both a small small capsules of West, who with a full cucumber or aloe rub before bed time, do not wash. twenty-three days like

39. mosquito bite, the most fast way to non-white stick with a foul coated with a water on the

40. If the clothes are not stained with tomato juice or other fruit juice alert, immediately wipe with a damp paper towel, there can be removed without leaving any traces (I have tried a red dress).

41. because the tea leaves that cup if tea stains, can be wet with the suspect after the paper (I do not know today who still do) rub, very useful, especially porcelain.

42. eat more tomatoes can cure dark circles, and then stay up all night eating habits of both are relatively hard and then there will be no dark circles do not meet a dish. I do not know is VC still another element at work.

43. diamond ornaments painted with a layer of transparent nail polish, diamond is not easy out

44. bathing hours go down the skin rub salt is

First, you can exfoliate

Second, you can lose weight

gray skin after a bath often drops tender. Salt is common salt. If you want to lose weight is to cut back the position of the next draw circle ~

45. Long leg meat measures, to sit down and kicking his legs do the self-only car. People are kicking a song a day time, after the fruit of good

46. To keep up in the morning drink warm honey water, the skin will get better yo

47. If the eyes are sties, middle finger wrapped with cotton thread, make a solution after the trap, and from the static pull cotton. If the eyes are long, then wrapped his hands on the middle finger, way above. I do not know Li Daming white out there. This measure is very useful, small mom dad just put a small sty cured. Stye with the line tied to the root of the middle finger because it is the mouth of the bag through and through by the position of the triple burner. If you have irrigation to early signs of pus, a stimulate the acupuncture points, but by the time with hot towel compress to the eye, my sty is so good, very effective.

48. As the war my mother have some super Hentian blanket so close at the disposal of Blanket way ~

1. Soy sauce, vinegar, milk, ice cream, drinks,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Sale UK[/url], dirty carpet, can be squeezed with a cloth dipped in warm water after the draw, and then scrub alcohol Oh

2. Blood stains on the carpet can get net days Kansui scrub, scrub and then salt or lemon juice. Oh, can not use hot water, fruit will be for the condensation heat of blood cement of every

49. K vocals singing head if a few words go wild Wangshi a cup of cold lemon honey Oh ~ ~

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