
Beats By DreResidents inside the building fire hydrant protruding roof all morning can not be used (

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correspondent heard the news arrived, the six fire engines and a car repair in order to protect parked in the narrow aisle area, extinguishing the fire brigade was in full swing. A total of seven residential buildings on fire, divided into five units. Reporters downstairs to see which unit is still a big fire on the roof, the roof over the fires raging. The remaining four units of the fire has basically been extinguished,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], but smoke still billowing over the entire building, the building also burned the top of the drain. Dozens gathered downstairs residents of thin clothing, many residents fear not just in from the pressure of cross God.

1 凌晨 3 时 10 minutes, a district of Chongqing South Road 7, Unit 4, No. 4 residential buildings from the roof of a sudden the fire. BAN Xiuju Pu fire not far from a master first discovered the fire and call 119, fire brigade rushed to the scene after the alarm, and emergency evacuation of 70 residents, after half an hour of fighting, the fire was only completely extinguished. It is reported that the fire caused no casualties, the fire is under investigation.

fire engines arrived I discovered that the fire

who lives in Building 4, Unit 2, Ms. Lee told reporters, because the time to eat a small dinner a drink at night slept like a person, did not find their own roof had caught fire. Hangzhou Road Fire Department firefighters told reporters that they rushed to the scene, only four units of a few residents standing downstairs, the rest home residents are also off the lights. To avoid fire casualties, fire brigade rushed to the five full-floor unit close to 70 residents were evacuated. Open until the fire engines to many residents know their own roof downstairs there was a fire.

introduced, according to a firefighter, first dial 119 is a nearby Xiuju Pu alarm master. Who is that knocking on the wall, out the window and saw that the windows of glass across the floor, release a red fire, and I leaned out the window and looked up, scared his legs felt weak at the time, played with the original roof raging fire.

Reporters rushed to the scene and saw the roof ablaze.
roof building was burned shell.
building's fire hydrant without water.月 27 日

corn stalks caused fire team is busy fighting fires

1 月 27 日 凌晨 4 when make 20 minutes, after the fire brigade put out the fire, the fire was completely extinguished. Reporters into Building 4 and found the corridor has become a Reporters on the 7th floor roof at the time found that five units have been burned into the roof of the ruins, crumbling stand was burned. Several firefighters are on the roof of a final point of the fire investigation.

wrapped around the fire extinguisher team, fire team look bad immediately jump out of Ring of Fire. After the fire to one side, and immediately put into the fire,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], to prevent the spread of flames to the wheat fields. Forest fire staff, told reporters, it is estimated that someone in the fields when burning or playing with fire, accidentally ignited the farmland around the corn stalks and grass.

half a meter tall, the burned area can have dozens of acres of land. Two team members are hand-held wind forest fire extinguisher fire. Reporters caught up to go see the fire is farmland that are not packed corn stalks, and in a gully near the meter connected into a line of grass, about one hundred meters long, in the north under the influence of the rapid spread to the surrounding , only a meter away from wheat.

should not have wide roads within the road full of parked cars on both sides, if there is such a sudden event like today, rescue vehicles, it is difficult to pass. time connected to the fire hydrants within the corridor. Text / Chart reporter Jing Yi

downstairs residents freeze for two hours

red tile, some wood inside the main structure, supported by steel angle iron. five units within the roof of the building is connected, which put some cement gravel in addition to any other outside items. Until the morning of January 27,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], 5:30 Xu, evacuation of the residents downstairs before being returned home. It is reported that, in addition to the roof of the building was burned, the fire caused no casualties, the top-level home in a few households have not significantly impaired.

Peninsula Metropolis Daily News, 27 January ( Reporters Liu Chun to) the afternoon of January 27, Jimo horse field in Shanxi sudden slope hill with the wind the fire spread quickly,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], into a piece of farmland near the wheat seedling under threat. Heard the news rushed to the mountain fire horse team struggling to put out in time to stop the fire spreading.

residents of the roof early morning 7, a district of the 4 4 ​​unit residential buildings the roof burst into flames, the fire has spread to several other units of the BAN roof, fire officers and soldiers have been rushed to the scene to fight the blaze.

building can not actually fire hydrant

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