
Monster Headphones7 nonagenarian 6-year initiative to take care of a neighbor paralyzed 2 years

Zhang Xuejian discharged home, Qin Lirong that Zhangxue Jian and his wife have been divorced. Living alone in the bed of the face paralyzed, Qin Lirong soft-hearted, he decided to taken care of Zhang Xuejian.

Qinli Rong told reporters that the annual winter and summer, after he had to leave granddaughter granddaughter back with Sunan, before going home each time he is most worried about is Zhang Xuejian how to do? July 14,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], he would go back,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], before he left this 45 days, Zhang Xuejian became his greatest care. Qinli Rong told reporters that he is the same floor of a household Sunan people, Qin Lirong Come on over and over again in his absence this person help to Zhang Xuejian this dozens of days a dollar a day to buy bread sent, incidentally provides water to the downstairs when to Zhang Xuejian also put on a pot, and with good Zhangxue Jian door keys to the house the tenants. Qinli Rong told reporters after the expiry of such leave granddaughter, he continued to back care Zhang Xuejian.

traffic lane community Zhang Xiaolan director also told reporters that Zhang Xuejian very serious condition after paralysis, did not think the two years after Qin Lirong taken care of the elderly to ambulation, and it is also clear words. Currently, the community can do is be minimal, heating subsidies, serious illness relief and some farmer-friendly policy in the permit conditions, according to the highest standards to give Zhang Xuejian.

a 73-year-old senior citizens, two years ago that paralyzed 64-year-old non-elderly neighbor people care, the initiative to assume the task of caring for neighbors. Under the care of his neighbor has been able to get out of bed alone, simple activities. Seventy years old with their own action, interpretation of some true feelings.

then Qinli Rong Zhang Xuejian opened the door, entered with a reporter, the reporter saw Zhang Xuejian has been able to get out of bed alone.

Zhang Xuejian paralysis, and his wife has divorced him, Qinli Rong Zhang will take the initiative to take care of the old man's duty, every day at noon, afternoon, two meals on time and do a good job, good job immediately after a meal to He ended the last bowl, and he does not shut down the phone has been close at hand, Zhang Xuejian have a thing,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], as long as the wave of the phone on the nightstand, Qin Lirong will promptly take care of in time in the past. Fortunately, over the summer, winter, and old residential buildings because this building is not heating, stove heating needs students, Qin Lirong first thing is to get up early every day to go to Zhang Xuejian fire, always add the coal charge during the day, the evening is responsible for the stove but do not let the fire seal off, and have to pay attention to the room ventilation to prevent Zhang Xuejian soot poisoning.

2007 November day,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], who lives in Ganzhou Street Traffic Lane one floor of the old residents of Zhang Xuejian old fell off bed could not move, Zhang Xuejian wife ran over to Qin Lirong door shouting help, carried the Zhang Xuejian bed. Qinli Rong and Zhang Xuejian of his wife and staff in the community's help, the Zhang Xuejian to hospital for treatment. More than three months after hospital treatment, Zhang Xuejian although out of danger, but paralyzed paralyzed in bed.

paralysis of the elderly to get out of bed

Ganzhou traffic lane 73-year-old community residents Qin Lirong interpretation of his own actions for some true feelings

seventy active elderly care

Zhangxue Jian told reporters that he had to work at the Urban Development Corporation, no children. His paralysis, can not get out of bed, not clearly. Thanks Qin Lirong care, he has now completed his bed leaning on the bed and simple activity,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], and it is also clear language, kinds of disease, even pay your nanny, people will not necessarily dry, but Qin Lirong do not mind, excluding any remuneration obligation to care for him for two years, his life could not repay.

sixty elderly paralyzed in bed

7 月 7 morning, the reporter went Qin Lirong home interview, the old man told reporters that he was three years ago from the pastoral point of Sunan County Horseshoe Township to to Ganzhou, the first to know the door Zhangxue Jian, Zhang old man a good man, they often drink and chat together, the two quickly became good friends.

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