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Paste it in post broke the news first appeared.

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yesterday, friends transfer order signed by the Secretary for one day more than 200!

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Wu'an Education Personnel and Planning, Finance Division's personnel yesterday in an interview with Express reporter indicated, the current Secretary of Education has changed hands, not the network transmission Pingmou, and online posts content can not believe they

as early as August 23, users have posted it in the military security post said: Local User Replies less discussion of military security, but this post was subsequently deleted, only users able to save the screenshots to prove that post ever existed.

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staged in the outgoing Secretary broke the news last crazy

to draw attention, friends broke the news often dubbed Recently, a Friends broke the news, Secretary of Education, Hebei Wuan that they have to take a back seat in the news, things the Convenor and Finance Section personnel, day 200 faculty members signed up to the personnel transfer order.

Although initially skeptical, but the contents of the net posts, so basically I believe most users of this broke.

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Bureau of Hebei Wuan heat response network software, and denied large-scale personnel changes

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