
Headphones OnlineDRRR: [ Blow Up Loud ] ~36~


DRRR: [ Blow Up Loud ] ~36~,Dr Dre Beats

~ Escaped and drove back to Tokyo ~

Shizuo poked you awake. “We’re back at Raira High.” He said as he stood up and patted his own back, stretched and turned to you and offered you his hand. He pulled you out of the chair and Shinra followed rather sleepy. Someone knocked on the window outside and it was none other than… Celty! Shinra cried out, rushed to the window, headbutted it (not planned) and kissed the window. Celty, in return, punched Shinra. Or well. Tried to. The window was between them. “Oh Celty. You’re so wonderful when you’re aggressive!” Shinra said and rubbed his cheek over the window.

Shizuo and you exited the bus and went over to the baggage space and opened the bus from there and pulled your bags from there. Your bag still wasn’t dry and Shizuo touched it for a bit. “Still wet.” He said a bit disappointed, “I hoped that the heat could dry it.”. “Hmm, well I can dry it all I want back home.”. “Yeah, home…” Izaya said as he skipped out of the bus and landed in front of you two,Headphones Online, bowing deeply. He reached into the baggage space with one arm and pulled out his back and swung it over his shoulder. “Do you consider Tokyo as your home?”

“Slither away in the sewers and rot.” You said coldly, swung your back over your shoulder and walked away. Shizuo smirked and and followed you, “Want me to bring you home?”. You suddenly turned red. Remembering last night. You turned around and laughed nervously, “N-no. You’re probably real tired and want to go home an rest.”. “You kidding? I slept the whole ride.” Shizuo shrugged and seemed oblivious to your red face, “Let’s go.”. He took your bag and swung it over his other shoulder and you two exited the school grounds. Shinra and Celty drove by on the motorcycle, both waving friendly at you.

You stood on the station with Shizuo holding two bags. Shizuo had dropped your vest over you shoulders and was lazily standing there, the weight of the bags didn’t bother him at all. Eventually the train arrived and you entered. Shizuo’s lovely glare of ‘please move, we want to sit down’ managed to have some people stand up and you sitting down. Even though you tried to say: ‘No, no. You sit down. You people are older than I am… bla bla bla.” Shizuo pushed you down and put the two bags in the racks above. “Can I stay for dinner? If you don’t mind? My lil’ brother and my parents aren’t home today.”. You nervously nodded.
Would this…?
No! No! It’s too soon!!

“Why are you red? You got sick?” Shizuo asked worried.

No, I’m perverted. You thought and hid your face behind your hands, “…”.

You arrived home and threw your bag on the ground, sipping it open and immediately checked out your clothes. “Can we stop by the washing machine stores later tonight?” you asked Shizuo. He shrugged and placed his bag in a corner. You went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was still some food in it and still some vegetables. You could make a decent dinner out of this. Shizuo sat down and looked around, “You keep things tidy.” He said with a positive tone. “Haha, I just cleaned it before I left.”. “That’s good.” Shizuo said as he nodded. “You want something to drink and eat?”.

Shizuo nodded and you placed something to drink for him. You took the remote of the television and threw it towards Shizuo,UGG Sale, “Enjoy.”. “Huh?”. “The Digital Era…” you said as you went into the kitchen and searched for some pans and knives. Shizuo put the television on and mostly zapped around. He eventually ended up at the news channel where his little brother was interviewed. “Oh, that’s Yuuhei.” You said as you stuck your head out of the kitchen. Shizuo leant forwards on his elbow and stared at the screen, “That’s Ikebukuro.” He muttered. He was right, the interview was taking place during sunset in Ikebukuro. “What’s that rat doing there?” Shizuo hissed as he narrowed his eyes. You exited the kitchen with a wok in your hand. Far in the background, consisting of only 3 or 4 pixels,Dr Beats Headphones, was probably Izaya. “Man, that’s too small to tell! It could be my mom.”. Shizuo sniffed loudly, “I have no idea what that guy is planning but you shouldn’t drop your guard. Not ever.”.

Shizuo was quite a fast eater. And he ate a lot. You were a slow eater because the Japanese television was so weird and amusing. Most of the time you couldn’t even eat because you were laughing to much with your head on the table, tears in your eyes. Shizuo would calmly ask for thirds and fourths until you were out of food. You two ate pudding at the end.

The sun was down already and you and Shizuo were sitting next to each other. It felt very awkward to you while Shizuo seemed very relaxed. He kept staring at the television which showed some show where Japanese girls had to attempt talking English. He didn’t seem to be able to find any problems with their English, maybe because his wasn’t much better than theirs. You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes, your heart jumping and jumping in your chest. Never before did you realize how handsome he was. Those fierce eyes, drilling holes in the television, that mouth that produced more decibels than a rock concert, that body that could endure more than diamonds and is stronger than a million elephants. Aren’t you lucky?

He suddenly turned his head to you, lifted your chin up and kissed you deeply. How to describe… how to describe? Bungee jumping. Rollercoasters. Adrenaline. He gave you some small kisses before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him, his hand in your hair and licking your lips. You just turned red. That hot guy… That hot guy…

Is… making out with me…!

He managed to slip his tongue inside and adrenaline bursted once more through your body. But instead of giving your strength, you felt weakened and relaxed. Endorphin. He spun his tongue around yours, fighting and searching until he was done. He parted after giving one last deep kiss.

“Gotta go home now, parents are probably waiting for me.”. He stood up,Cheap Beats By Dre, grabbed his bag, gave you one last kiss and left.

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