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Twelve.Control BOX style style sheet provides a container BOX ,it will store an object of all operational style .Including the object itself ,Coach Outlet Online,frame ,frame ,blank object object gap in four aspects .
In order to better understand the significance of these properties ,Cheap Beats By Dre,and the relationship between each other, please see below the icon :1 frame blank ( MARGIN ) as shown in the figure ,is located in the outermost layer of the BOX model ,including four attributes .
Formats are as follows: · ;margin-top :top blank distance · ;margin-right :· margin-bottom :right blank distance ;the bottom blank distance · ;margin-left :left blank blank distance distance can be used with a digital representation of the length unit .
If the use of the attribute reduction of margin ,can thereafter be continuous plus four with length unit number, to represent margin-top ,margin-right ,margin-bottom ,margin-left ,each digital intermediate to be separated by spaces .
2 object frame ( BORDER ) as shown in the figure ,is located on the border between blank and object space ,including seven attributes .Formats are as follows: · ;border-top :· top border width :the width of the right border ;border-right · ;border-bottom :· bottom border width :the width of the left border ;border-left · ;border-width :all the border width · ;border-color :border color · ;border-style :border style parameters where border-width disposable set all the border width ,border-color at the same time set all the border color ,Vibram FiveFingers,can write four colors ,and separated by a space .
The continuous setting frame by border-top ,border-right ,border - bottom ,border-left order .Border-style relative to other attributes is slightly more complex ,Christian Louboutin Shoes,because it also includes several border styles parameters :· ;none :no frame .
· ;dotted : border point line .· ;dashed :frame for the length of line .· ;solid :solid line border .· ;double : border of dual .· ;groove :color attribute show different results according to the 3D · ridge :color frame ;according to the attribute show different results of 3D frame · ;inset :color attribute show different results according to the 3D · outset :color frame ;according to the attribute show different results of 3D frame 3 object space (PADDING) as shown in the figure ,is located in the object borders and between objects ,including four attributes .
The basic format is as follows :· ;padding-top :· padding-right :right top clearance ;clearance · ;padding-bottom :· padding-left :the left bottom clearance ;clearance and similar to MARGIN,Beats By Dre Pro, PADDING can also use the padding disposable set all the object space ,format and MARGIN similar ,no longer one one lists .
Thirteen. The display control style basic format :display: parameter range :· ;block :( default ) in the object before the line · ;inline :in the object around the non-breaking · ;list-item :in the object before the line, increase the project symbol · ;none :no display fourteen blank control pattern .
The following format :space attribute determines how to handle the elements inside the space .White-space: the parameter range :normal :put a space is replaced by a to display pre :faithfully according to the input display spaces nowrap :forbidden line but it should be noted that, write-space is a block level attribute .
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