
Coach Factory OutletMERRY CHRISTMAS

MERRY CHRISTMAS,Coach Factory Outlet!

I saw my chance and I took it. My newborn speed was an advantage as I raced towards Darien in attack. He didn’t even see me coming when I grabbed his throat and bit a chunk out of it. It was easy as biting through juicy meat but sounded like shredding dry rock. Suddenly, there was a cry of force and all of my family members flew a hundred feet in the air with a blast of energy from Alpha. With a rip, I tore Darien’s head off and rammed it into the ground with an explosion of rage. He tried to kill me, he tried to kill my family, and he nearly drove us all apart. I could contain my hatred no longer.

Alpha got to me just a fraction of a second too late. He threw me off of him with much force. His hand closed around my throat as he slammed me into the ground. I winced as the sound was like thunder. A bright light seemed to radiate Alpha’s whole body as his hand coursed pure energy through my own body. I screamed in anguish as I felt so many changes and so many abilities entered and left my body.

Alpha had his other hand outstretched holding my family –who had crashed back down to Earth- in their places mid stride. I could hear my name being called but there was such a loud humming in my ears like a machine that I couldn’t quite hear the rest of the world. My hair and skin color changed colors variously as my identity morphed a mile a minute. Every thought in Washington was pounding inside my head. My eyes were glowing and shining bright rays of light through my eye balls. I saw glimpse of futures from people I didn’t even know existed. I saw a few familiar faces and caught sight of one particular prediction that almost made me stop screaming but I didn’t know if it was from the future or the past. There was too much pain. I felt physical and emotional pain of every person I had ever come in contact with. I felt fire erupt in a circle around Alpha, myself and my family, isolating us from any other interference such as wolves. Water doused the entire field as the earth shifted and the clouds darkened and covered the sky even thicker than before. It began to rain lightly. Little did I know,Beats By Dre Sale, Alpha was witnessing my entire past present and future and feeling all of my pain and hearing every one of my thoughts. He was looking into my soul, my dreams. Little did I know, however, he was draining himself into me. My mind converged with his for a second before he finally released me from the power and my screaming stopped.

“You don’t have to do this anymore!” I screamed once I could breathe again. Alpha looked at me with a dismal hate as if I had just slaughtered his brother. “He’s dead! He can’t lie to you anymore.”

“You’re wrong! He never lied to me!” Alpha screamed, speaking for the first time. His voice was like magic. It was musical and masculine but so young too. He never stood a chance. He was angry that I had destroyed his only thing to protect above all other things.

“Yes, he did! We aren’t bad people.” I tried to convince him as I glanced at my frozen family –they couldn’t talk either now. “What did he tell you? Did he try to convince you that we are awful creatures? We don’t even kill humans, for Christ’s sake! He was the animal, the monster. Do you see that boy over there?” I pointed at Landon as his eyes were glued on me for what seemed permanently. I felt an invisible force pin me to the ground as Landon followed my gesture and look at Landon as if he had seen him before –inside my head. “Darien tried to kill him. A man in his own coven –a brother- and he wanted to kill him. That’s the only reason we killed Savannah. They were going to kill us if we didn’t fight.” Alpha looked back at me with a pensive expression. He was struggling with internal conflict. “You don’t want to do this. You are not a killer. I’ve seen inside of you, now. This is not how the story ends.” I strained my eyes on him with a pleading look. He was silent for the longest time. I swear that his grip loosened on all of us…but then he smirked.

“You don’t know me. You saw what I wanted you to see.” Alpha replied finally. He wasn’t evil at all. He just knew that he held all of the power but I did see in his head. All of that power was pressuring down on him that he couldn’t take. “But I’ve seen everything inside your head. I see everything. Your dreams, your past, your future; I see your soul.” One would think he would sound maniacal but he didn’t at all. He sounded like a small child listing what he had learned from his day at school. He was emotionless but innocent.

“But at least we have them…souls.” I breathed as I realized he believed that creatures like us could still have souls. There was hope for him…if he or any of us lived. Alpha brushed off my comment.

“I know that you are in love with two people. I know that your family and friends are the most important things in your existence. And I know what your deepest desire is.” He smiled slightly as he revealed my inner most secrets to the world. I stared at him with empty eyes. “To be human...”

“You’re wrong.” I whispered.

“Don’t tell me I’m wrong!” Alpha’s burst of anger almost made me jump. “I’ve seen it. You wish to go back to simpler feelings like when you only loved one person and all you needed was your best friend.”

“And no one was trying to kill me or my family.” I added sharply and he gave an irritated chuckle.

“Don’t you understand? I can solve all of your problems.”

“That’s hard to believe considering you are one of my problems.” When did I get so cocky? It was so uncharacteristic of me in the first place and in a time like this I couldn’t believe I was spitting out back talk like no tomorrow.

“You’ve got to stop doing that.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Was I interrupting your villain speech?” My sarcasm: what is wrong with me?! I felt my lips press tightly together and I failed to separate them no matter how hard I tried. He had silenced me against my will.

“That’s better. I’ll give you a choice: either I can drain you of every above human possibility quality in your body…or I can kill you and your family. Hell, maybe I will change the rest of your family back too? Maybe you will live to a ripe old age or maybe you will die tomorrow? Either way, I’m doing you a favor.” He removed my verbal restraint for me to reply. I thought for a moment very seriously about this. To be human again was all some of us ever wanted. I thought of Rosalie and how much she wanted children. I thought of Carlisle and Esme who looked like the perfect people to grow old and sit on a porch swing together with ice tea. Edward always believed it was a curse and not a lifestyle. Bella could grow up to see her grandchildren actually call her ‘Grandma.’

“Let them speak and then I will decide.” I requested and looked at my family. Their eyes were fixated of course on us. Alpha gave them one glance and a few lips parted but no words came. Landon was the only person not looking at me was Landon. He was staring at Jasper but I couldn’t read his expression. Jasper’s eyes were boring into mine at this point and he hadn’t looked away. I had forgotten the part about loving two people. Only Jasper and I knew that part before and now everyone else did. “I’m so sorry.” I apologized as Landon turned his gaze back on me. I still couldn’t read his expression.

“Do it.” He said to me in a straight voice.

“What?” I stared at him from the ground.

“Be human. We all want it. It’s the life for us. We can start over for real this time. This will be better for everyone –for you.” He replied sincerely.

“No, don’t do it!” Jasper contradicted and the family looked at him. “Are you crazy?”

“It’s best for the family, for her. I would think you of all people would care about her too.” Landon argued,UGG Outlet Store, his beautiful twisted in a long overdue quarrel.

“How would you know what’s best for the family? You barely know the family! This is my family. How long have you been here?”

“Long enough! I care about this family just as much as you do.” Jasper scoffed at this.

“No, you don’t because this is not your family,Coach Outlet!”

She is my family now! Why are you arguing this? Don’t you want this?! Don’t you want this for you? For your family? For her?!” Landon’s voice was escalated now.

“No! This is not what I want. Our family has been through too much in this life to return now. If it weren’t for what we are now, we wouldn’t be a family. And if we all become human again –succumb to the disheartened and cruel world of today- then we won’t survive, we won’t be a family,Moncler Coats, we will lose each other. So you may want what’s best for her but I want what’s best for this family –which is all of us…including Heidi.” Jasper was perfectly reasonable with passion. Landon had nothing to say back and they just stared at each other. A few moments passed.

“Don’t do it, honey.” Esme smiled finally as she looked down at me.

“We wouldn’t trade this life now for anything and neither should you.” Carlisle backed up Esme.

“I can’t imagine life without you as little sister, kid.” Emmett chimed in with a usual grin of his.

“It’s okay, Heidi,” Rosalie crossed her arms and I thought about what she was giving up. Alice said nothing all the while she stared at me and I felt wrenching guilt course through me as I tried not to look at her.

“You would rather die than achieve your deepest desire?” Alpha wondered and searched my face.

“They’re my family…” I replied simply and Alpha’s voice offering the other option echoed in my head. “You don’t have to kill anyone.”

“Yes, I do.” He answered immediately. “He said, no matter what happens I have to kill you. I don’t have a choice.” For the first time, Alpha’s voice shook and his eyes shut in concentration.

“There is always a choice.” I assured with firmness. “You can have a family…just like us.”

“I…I can’t…” His fingers slipped from my throat and I sat up. “I can’t kill you after seeing…everything.”

“See, there’s always a choice.” I managed a smile at the man who had been trying to kill my family and me for a very long time now.

“You don’t understand. I can never have a family. I’ve seen your future and I’m making a choice. But you’ll never know if I changed it or just set it in motion. Promise me, you will kill me after this.” He said ominously and I didn’t understand. Suddenly, his hand flew up towards my family and with one motion, Alice and Landon were gone. I whimper escaped my lips and the wind was knocked out of me.

“What have you done with them?!” Jasper roared and I looked at Alpha. Alpha turned his head to the side and we all followed his line of vision. There on the complete opposite side of the field, maybe 2 miles away, were two distinct piles of flames licking through the air. A scream echoed through the air but still no one would move their bodies. We were forced to watch as two of our family members were burned to ash.

Still won't let me upload pictures... So ALPHA!!!

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