
UGG Outlet StoreTaxi killed 11 days after the surrender of agricultural experts to escape

■ correspondent Gao Hong / reports

Siping News newspaper on November 12, a leased taxi Economic Development Zone in the pear tree pear ten 1 km road accident, Jilin success Limited agricultural technical experts recruited more than Zhuangfei SUN Jing, died on the spot, the vehicle fled. 11 days after the accident, a witness saw the pear reward notice issued after the police provide important clues to the accident followed by pear squadron of police on November 24 will be leased accident guitar CT4060 card to find a taxi, 25 accident the driver gave himself up. Family of the deceased police rapid detection of pear grateful for the witness to provide the clues will be given at least 2 million reward.

agricultural experts knocked dead

families, according to SUN Jing-I say, at 20:30 on November 12 Xu, floating in the sky scattered snow, work in the pear SUN Jing-Yu Contact finished business in the dormitory on the way back to the company, ten Jiabao went pear 150 meters east gas station when suddenly an oncoming high-speed leased taxi Zhuangfei, died on the spot, causing car drivers to escape.

success Group Co., Ltd., Jilin Province,UGG Sale, according to a responsible person speaking, the Economic Development Zone is located in pear pear ten Highway 1 km. Three months ago, SUN Jing-Yu from the province by the company recruited former breeding ground for any kind of agricultural experts, do the kind of person in charge of production technology industry. SUN Jing-Yu colleagues say, SUN Jing more than men, aged 44, graduated from Jilin Agricultural University, senior agronomist, seed industry in the production and sales bases are particularly well.

witnesses provide clues

after the accident,UGG Outlet Store, pear County Committee, Political and Legal Committee, Public Security Bureau immediately organized Tao Yongquan police about the incident led police investigators to the scene to investigate. The survey, on-site motor vehicle parts fragments, fragments of windshield glass and lights, the injured have died. 13, the police post near the incident to apprehend the perpetrators heavily reward reward notice, the deceased family members looking for an insider's posted a reward notice.

24 days, a witness to the police handling the case said the man, later that day, he was driving a van, in the passing scene, saw a leased vehicle gave the driver fled, the leased vehicle is a taxi license plate number is Kat CT40,UGG Online Outlet,

driver surrender

Lishu police investigators access to this very important clue, Siping vehicle immediately to the transfer of the vehicle file management, and that number 40 After investigation, the car owner for the Town of Mission Hill Lishu ten sub-villagers Zhao Zhiqiang.

24, police came to the house Zhao Zhiqiang, Zhao Zhiqiang not at home, but he found a home rodeo finished Xiali taxi has been repaired, the day police dragged the suspect vehicle Lishu traffic police brigade. Desperate Zhao Zhiqiang on at 8:00 on the 25th gave himself up to the traffic police brigade. Day, traffic accident pear police on suspicion of the crime will be Zhao Zhiqiang Detention.

It is understood, Zhao Zhiqiang, 30 years old, have two children, life is good, with the perpetrators surrendered to police after the work is.

representatives of the families of the deceased's sister, said the insiders will provide clues to give not less than 2 million reward.

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