
UGG Sale UK Frog in a dialogue with Zhang Qingxiang lecturer

Frog: Will Zhang instructor, your ideal? why you have this ideal?
Zhang Instructor: Huang Ting Zen ideal is to practice what is true (can change the spindle are not, we should The only change that the spindle), published in the world to re-clarify. In fact, this
out if confused, then, is the same as in line with the ancient sages were the only practice of the tips. This is the real man is not mistaken for a cause. This is the main Huang Ting Zen ideal.
not just me as the ideal, the ideal of sages has always been this way, their lifelong efforts to this end. There are many ancient sages at postures, and heresy again rebuttal, the objective is to make the eternal spiritual truths can emerge. This is consistent context sages each other down only an ideal, not just my personal ideal.
how to enable correct and there is a fundamental concept in the world has a long history of it? how to make the specious heresy are able to calm down? This is a bit of moral conscience would do.
Frog: This thing sounds like a big, imagine there will be some difficulty, that you are brave to do such a thing,UGG Sale UK, get your own from what?
Zhang Lecturer: search for truth in the process, the nature of their own lives will be greatly improved with the change, that is the real harvest. As you go to play this ideal, he obtained from beyond the flesh, what kind,UGG Sale UK, this is not. Because finally be able to get, after all, is a matter within the body, what you get around them, and finally are empty. Or that this effort is an experience, a process, an invisible revolution. This revolution of the world beings,UGG Sale UK, good for their physical and mental life is also beneficial, so all the saints are committed to this. Not because I went to Young declared this knowledge, what I can get another fortune fame and fortune, this did not make.
frog: you see how human nature? I think it is very difficult to focus on one thing above, long to do. Too much temptation around, people can easily drift easily moved, very impetuous. So I work for the probation people that do not have confidence. From your perspective how do you look at this issue?
Zhang Lecturer: that is, one step at a friends, people have a strong habit of blocking file, so the ancient Zen master their life may not be able to train a few truly enlightened people, but not the point, you try to focus on meaningful learning in the heritage of this, and indeed one can therefore benefit from, and give proper guidance beings. Success does not in me, waiting for it on the time is ripe, it was bound to make it bear fruit.
frog: why did you have to stick to the way the people of this influence it?
Zhang lecturer: because it is an ideal guide to mankind, a hope, to let people know there is truth the world, the world still feel who works in the world can actually have a line to follow the person has received salvation, not the people they do not take the loss. Ambitious people want to demonstrate is that this knowledge, the ancient sages has always insisted this context, the truth is there! Grounds on the Heart is to let people know there is something, this is a very important thing. As for how much they can harvest, that is followed. Important effort in this process, lay the essence of his life the right direction, this is a true self-worth are located.
able to see the world how much? short shallow, flashy learning more, let the world see vertigo Liao chaos, learned a lot, learned a long time, people still feel the lack of a final thing, right! Many people have been looking for, I could not find exactly where the truth! Why is society so rich vibrant curriculum? Is because we are looking for, or looking for a long time looking for, it also said they did not find, or did not recognize unclear. You see the ancient
senior monks, Zen master, he ran after his enlightenment does not run? should not go around the other courses? How can such a Zen master? Running Lay certainly did not catch those roots, it requires constant bustle! So the most valuable thing is, how are you the only demonstration of what lies? Beings that is needed! As for the ignorance of sentient beings can not know and thorough, no way everyone can understand, Mencius said, The basic height, was able to understand that they will come, not to attract public attention, to reduce this learning style and requirements, although more so come, but it is the rabble, not a true repair real refining. I can only think so, try to do, do my best, step by step, how many suitors not afford to dream.
Frog: My understanding is that you now do this in fact is not the focus of people's minds now, how human kind, but no matter what people, you just want to promote a hope of relief beings, right?
Zhang Lecturer: It should be said, have someone else do a good thing, the single most important thing no one to do, because even the most keen to do good people do not necessarily see clearly the truth of their lives, so This knowledge is often lost, then we do this thing to do, difficult to understand this esoteric thing, because it is living beings are the only escape their own lives with the hope that the right direction!
frog: It is not that we have to the heart and spread the door secrets it?
Zhang Lecturer: of course, but follow the Heart of the grounds on their own inner consciousness of people have, to do so significance was large. If you do not see the Heart of its own grounds on a conscious person, you do not own consciousness, you just promote knowledge sages are interested, then you have no direction, efforts will not become too meaning.
Therefore, the main harvest is from you in the process of pursuing the truth, be conscious of your own life, some enlightenment. After you why so much power, you want to continue to move forward to promote it? That is because you do not do so, you feel very sorry myself Yeah! Yeah you I'm sorry the world! It's like, today you have a best things in life, you will naturally want to tell all the people, so they can get their own. This is just a basic instinctive impulse, the idea is not to mention the kind of great desire. All consciousness of people do their own truth! Fame is not for any purpose.
Frog: That would be human nature that do not have confidence before, because their time in doing just momentary passion, impulse to do, instead of rising after the inner consciousness of right view is to know, so slowly no strength. Is this true?
Zhang Lecturer: This thing is nice because fundamentally, then the people who simply have to master, gains and losses has not hung on the chest and be proud. Good things always want to make friends, let everyone know. The greatest happiness is to let people know from this insight, the truth itself, so put it bluntly, to promote this knowledge is to do a make something of themselves and others happy friends. Many people do not have confidence to do a thing to do half stopped because he was very happy to do so later found to be not happy. He also said that the share of domestic happiness is not in control of. He could not grasp, precisely because he did a thorough understanding of the fundamental. Ordinary people to give up a thing, it is not how difficult external things, put it bluntly, he is emotional beat it. Why Confucius and Mencius, under the situation of hardship in so you can go straight? Because they have grounds on the Heart of magic, not to the beat of their own emotions. People often give up, it is less fundamental ...

