
Moncler Jackets UK Silver City District Government Procurement Center Hirakawa Silver City, Hirakawa

Posted :2011-08-25
Hirakawa Silver City District Government Procurement Center of Silver City, Hirakawa district education system equipment purchase art projects - Public tender notice Foundir text: Silver City District Government Procurement Center Hirakawa spirit of fair and just A tender number: PCZC-GK-2011-11 Second, the tender: the purchase of art equipment items (goods, quantity and configuration and other technical indicators detailed in tender documents) three bidders basic eligibility requirements: 1, comply with the Law Registered capital of not less than one million yuan (including 100 million). Lanzhou City in Gansu Province and the Silver City with service agencies or companies. In Gansu the last two years more than 10 million primary and secondary schools within the same goods in the performance of not less than three. 3, to provide effective by the annual business license, tax registration certificate, the organization code certificate copy of the original, authorized person's identity card, legal power of attorney. The above documents are required to provide original and copy all relevant documents related to the inspection body must have a corresponding annual inspection in 2010 identified. 4, this project provide the major equipment manufacturers bidding original power of attorney; 5, with national certification, provided the goods must have a national quality inspection department and the original certificate certified product test reports. 6, has a good reputation and performance, tax law, within three years there is no violation of laws and other bad records. 7, the city of Lanzhou in Gansu Province, the city has a silver service agency or company must be in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, or the silver city industrial and commercial administrative department or the relevant registration authority and obtain the relevant licenses. Fourth, the tender document sale time: September 7, 2011 to September 9, 2011. 8:30-11:30 am, 3:00-5:30 pm Fifth, the deadline for submission of tender documents: September 15, 2011 9:00 am. Sixth, opening time and place: September 15, 2011 9:00 AM in Silver City,Moncler Jackets UK, Hirakawa District Financial Bureau on the third floor conference room opening. VII Venue: Silver City, Hirakawa District office 5th Floor,Moncler Jackets UK, Finance Office Government Procurement Center Price: $ 300 (does not apply by mail, express mail service) Contact: Liu Jun rights Tel: 13809301367 Silver City District Government Procurement Center Hirakawa 8, 2011 25
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