
UGG Sale 4 -year-old girl was suffocated inside the car left nursery school hours exposure

Southern News correspondent Zhou Songbai

​​July 1, Maoming a place a 4-year-old girl was a kindergarten teacher and school bus drivers to forget the car in a closed school, was beaten to suffocate under high-temperature baking. Day of school bus drivers and teachers with the car has been taken away by police.

morning Cui Li Ying says his mother, at 8:00 on July 1, daughter of Deng round (a pseudonym) after breakfast at home, sent by the grandmother holding Dao Cunkou school bus. A few minutes later, 11 kindergarten children arts Jinbei van arrived, my grandmother would drink a bottle of Wahaha stuffed into the hands of his granddaughter. Deng round took Wahaha, laughingly to climb the school bus, sat down, one hand holding the Wahaha, one hand held in the school bus window to side, waving to the grandmother,

round Deng's father working in Shenzhen. Noon, he suddenly received a phone call that her daughter died. Couple back home immediately. Local police station and town officials said the children were school bus drivers and kindergarten teachers in the school car forgotten suffocated.

local Board of Education officials said that morning, Tong Yi Deng kindergarten school bus round the school gate after receipt of such children, the children from the school bus down. Deng round got off the hands of the Wahaha fall to the ground,UGG Sale, her back down to pick Wahaha, the teachers head out to the car with the car looked, did not see there children in the car, they put a door pull on the left.

noon was found passed out in the school car

a woman who lives next to the nursery that morning, then finished kindergarten students after school bus, on the yard next door . The morning of July 1, Gaozhou is sun in the sky, the school bus directly affected by the sun baked a long time. But no one noticed there is a child being held in the school car.

until noon, it was the nursery school by car and saw a small bag inside the car, opened the door and found lying in the car round Deng has fainted, porridge for breakfast all the spit in the chest.

school, said Deng round by school bus after receiving the nursery, the teacher has not seen her, looking around, finally saw her through the window of a small bag,UGG Sale, rushed to the driver to open the car door , then that child has lost consciousness in the car. Teachers sending their children to a nearby hospital, she died.

day before yesterday afternoon, the Southern Metropolis Daily reporter saw the nursery garden door closed, no children to school. Alleged incident the same day kindergarten out of business.

local Board of Education officials said the nursery children arts full license, held by all teachers are certified teachers qualified teachers.

girls' parents: the teacher did not hold the driver responsible

7 月 evening of 4, Deng round parents said, and the child has reached a compensation agreement Arts Kindergarten, children have to go,UGG Sale, they do not Kindergarten readiness to pursue the criminal responsibility of two responsible people.

Guangzhou lawyer Zhu Yongping, said school bus drivers and teachers with the car because the negligence, causing the child suffocated inside the school bus, guilty of negligence causing death. Although parents with children Kindergarten reach a compensation agreement, but the police have been involved, the driver and teacher, should be held criminally responsible.

