
Dre Beats CheapThe first director was born one early uncovering pretend couple disturbance by - Ente

ByJune 18th ,Shanghai Film Festival ,held in Shanghai conference .Conference on the backplane ,is written in &ldquo ;early director &rdquo ;.After the screening media field ,the movie to Liu Fendou is &ldquo ;the director &rdquo ;this position ,sensitive reporter found a unusual .
Perhaps this is the Chinese movie history first appeared in early &ldquo director &rdquo ;title .Liu Fendou Liu Fendou how to become a stage director ,he also like Zhang Zhiliang was robbed of the final cut right ?What reason lets Liu Fendou and the piece side wearing tights ?Taking these question ,June 22nd, Tencent Entertainment face to face interview with director Liu Fendou ,and telephone interviews with the film product manager Liu sand .
Liu Fendou was humiliated ?Liu Fendou in his film in the signature is out of the ordinary in ,his first name is &ldquo ;Liu Fendou ,the next is &rdquo ;&ldquo ;Liu Fendou ,&rdquo ;to pretend couple ,his name has become a stage director &rdquo &ldquo ;.
The sheet product is broad media company ,is the company Liu sand .Served in Hunan television station reporter of his media questions is obviously well prepared ,he confirmed ,produced and directed yielded contradictory ,the piece side and director in the concept of art is different ,and pretend couple theatrical release nor Liu Fendou clip version .
There is no story without coincidences. ,3 days ago,the Shanghai Film Festival Award competition will shut sb. Jin Jue media ,the film director Zhang Zhiliang disclosed ,the issuer refused to issue from his clip of 2 hourversion ,but to find someone to shoulder butterfly cut into 1.
5 hourversion .The director is the pursuit of art ,the piece side reversing the pursuit of the market, then snatched the final cut right ,or even to humiliate Liu Fendou put ,throw him a &ldquo ;early director &rdquo ;treatment .
This story looks like this .But is it right? .Liu Fendou was enjoying the first, Liu Fendou and the piece side and not the so-called art concept differences .Accept Tencent Entertainment telephone interview, Liu white still on Liu Fendou profuse in praise .
Liu sand pretend couple repeatedly said ,there is now so good reputation ,Liu Fendou achieved a lot .He stressed :Liu Fendou completed the film in 90% of the content of the film .Liu white even said ,if Liu Fendou has a good book ,he can still consider working with him .
Prior to this, media reports ,the piece side and Liu Fendou in &ldquo &rdquo ;art concept ;there are differences on .For this divergence ,Liu Fendou feel very funny .&ldquo ;between me and him in the philosophy of art never occurred before the divergence ,we didn discuss anything at this point .
&rdquo ;Liu Fendou and the side of the sheet of contradiction is not popular stories that ,from the arts and business conflict .They are not due to the artistic concept of different [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk]Dre Beats Cheap[/url]


,respective to the films have different understanding and adherence ,and began to compete for the final cut right .
It is not like that .Liu Fendou :breach of contract in Liu Fendou ,the problem is ,piece of breach of the contract .The script has a play not to shoot ,this is a breaking point .Liu Fendou doesn talk about this field did not show details ,he worried that this becomes a mouth skin battle .
Liu Fendou said ,he has evidence to prove that indeed play not to shoot ,because the script of the film Bureau there are registered .The script was approved ,production crew did not overrun ,not extended case ,the piece side would not take the field in Liu Fendou also appears to be very important in a drama, which makes Liu Fendou very angry .
From this scene ,Liu Fendou and the piece side relations deteriorated rapidly ,followed by the end of ,the crew to go to Norway to shoot scenes ( this is finished for several months ,until at the end of the year is in the snow ) ,the director was replaced by Wu Tiange .
Subsequently, the film changed several clips ,but not allow Liu Fendou to .Liu Fendou just prior to cut out a 2hourlong rough cut version .The piece side :Liu Fendou has a big white Liu confirmed ,in Liu Fendou during filming ,the crew did not overspend ,no overtime .
However ,Liu sand is not believed to have play not to shoot .His logic is ,since the director was not extended ,it shows that at the time the director tricks are finished, if possible not to shoot ,then extended the .
This is a very fun logic .Liu sand without specifying the reasons for the deterioration of relations with them and Liu Fendou ,he just said ,Liu Fendou personality is too strong ,too large ,too difficult to communicate ,especially ,they are shooting at 10 days beforethe signing of Liu Fendou ,for his lack of knowledge .
Bet a truth still over a layer of fog water ,Liu Fendou and the electronic media conflict appears to be two children ,one child wants a toy ,another child is not to, two blows ,to tear the face .
Liu Fendou is not willing to disclose the details of the scene actually spend much money, the piece side when he does not take somewhat irrational .With additional asked the director to filming in Norway, additional please clip cut over, coaxed Liu Fendou the end of shooting of that scene is perhaps more economic practice .
Liu Fendou as a drama lost the whole movie ,how many have thought .In an interview with Liu White said ,some people fight a few days just fine ,but some people after a quarrel is not .
He said the latter is perhaps not only Liu Fendou .The abuse of the right of authorship ?Things to this step ,the film was released ,the piece side still want to sign &ldquo ;Liu Fendou &rdquo ,director of works ;but when Liu Fendou mind .
He believes that ,since he wanted to shoot the scene did not make ,Norway opera is not taken by him ,the clip is not he completed ,then pretend couple ,it is not that he .The film in May in Beijing held a press conference ,Liu Fendou does not have to ,at that time in the posters ,display and information page is printed on the is &ldquo ;Director Liu Fendou &rdquo ;words, Liu Fendou was greatly dissatisfied ,and even consulted a lawyer, lawyer told him ,the other is the abuse of the right of authorship .
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