
MonclerChanging into a summer dress and slippers

Changing into a summer dress and slippers,UGG Outlet Store, the mirror showed an elvish queen. I smiled to see the background; Jacob was there on the bed, curled up asleep. He seems so young and innocent when he was sleeping. I went out on the balcony, feeling the wind blow all around me. Exhaling the scents, honey and flowers, I was at ease finally after years to find where I fits in and belonged. I belonged to Jacob; I was his in every way.

Jacob must woken up because he was hugging my waist, kissing my neckline. He had begun to turn me around so I can face him, seeing his beautiful brown eyes.

"Wanna have dinner tonight?" He sounded so hopeful.

"Sure, my plan is to talk to Hannah and we leave tonight alright?" I smiled to see him zoning out.

"Yeah. Right, whatever you say darling." He said, while seemingly obviously was in another world.

I walked outside to the chilly forest. The green of Forks never ceased to amaze me, and the nature never failed to entertain me. I sat down outside under a big fir tree. I had so much to think about. Hannah was happy here, she had horses and family and friends. What scared me is how much she was wanted, everyday she proved to be a little better. I was sitting pondering that when I heard someone approaching me. I turned expecting Jake or Aro when I saw Carlisle. He started by saying, "Mind if I sit next to you Maggie?"

I wanted to say no. He annoyed me for some reason. "Of course you can..." I said with enough civility.

"I feel the need to explain myself to you. About Hannah, about everything that is going on. And Esme and I want to offer something to you. But let me start at the beginning if I may." He said bowing his head, giving me respect.

I felt bad. I had not treated him with total kindness. I had been brisk and emotionless to this kind man. "Umm... Okay." I stuttered.

He nodded. "Well Esme never got the child she wanted. She attempted death because of her real child dying. She never has felt complete since. She is very maternal if you haven't noticed." He chuckled and then continued.

"We have our two daughters, Alice and Rosalie. We have our three sons, Edward, Emmett, and Jasper. But these children are so self-sufficient. They never really had the choice of choosing us, except Alice and Jasper; they were just brought back by us. Hannah proves to be an obstacle for us all. At first Esme was completely absorbed with helping you, fixing you, making sure you were okay. Everyone loves you dearly if you didn't know. You’re quite an amazing young woman. But you see it’s just that you’re so your own person. Do you understand? You think you need us to protect you, and trust us we will in a minute. It’s just that I have always wanted a daughter; Esme has always wanted a child. Hannah is just that. She chose us, she needs us, she loves us, she wishes to learn from us,Cheap Vibram, and most of all she listens and observes everything. It’s quite fascinating."

So basically he just told me everything that I already knew. "Thank you Carlisle. You don’t need to explain. Honestly… this had been my plan all along. Hannah needs a family… a family who would protect her. I don’t need you to protect me. But I do need you to protect my sister.”

Then he shook his head. "No, I said that wrong. It’s not so much that she needs us. It’s that we all need her. She fills up a void in us, a place that was always empty once we lost our mortality. I mean, Edward thought he didn't have a soul until he met Hannah! I mean Emmett has matured so much since he’s met Hannah. Jasper never has been so absorbed until he met Hannah. Alice talks to her all the time, and never bores. Hannah is very tolerant; I suppose you taught her that. Rosalie is kind to her, to a human, it’s very strange. Esme is humming and happy, completely content. And I, I feel great, I research and do everything to keep that little human safe."

I smiled, he was right. It was nice that they were happy. "It’s great that you love Hannah. I'm really.... happy. She needs to be the center of the attention. But I don’t belong here. I am in your way."

He looked a bit peeved by that remark,Cheap Vibram Five Fingers, but kept cool. "Your people need you. You are the Queen of the Elves. Jacob needs you. He is your one true love. Do I personally need you? I enjoy you being here, I think you’re an interesting person. But if you want to leave, I'm not stopping you. I don't think you should. But I won't keep you from your happiness. Because I doubt that any of us will, or can,Monster Beats Tour, stop talking about Hannah. I think you’re incredible, but Hannah has the spotlight." He said calmly.

“I am thinking of everybody in this equation. I have to move onto the La Push because it’s fair to Jacob. It’s not fair to him that he has to be separated from his pack in order to be with me. And my people will go anywhere with me. The only fear that I have is that you may be afraid to let Hannah come and visit me. After all… I am her baby sister. And she may needs a break from you all sometime.” I smiled.

"She is quite addictive." He started chuckling. And then paused. "I'm sure we could work something out." He said.

I interrupted, "No. My sister taught me better than that. Her worst fear is getting in the way. And I can tell that I'm getting in the way. I'm leaving tonight." I said when Carlisle interrupted me.

"If you leave tonight, you'll leave your sister in pieces. And I can't have you do that. And besides Esme and I have made a decision about something for you... That is if you want it." He ended with a slight tone of embarrassment.

"Leave my sister in pieces? She’ll be fine. What is the decision?" I ended a bit sour.

“Esme, Alice, Rose, Emmett, Jasper, Edward, and I have been working on... a house. For you and Jacob. It’s on the line, the reservation line and our side line. It’s close enough to our house, just 20 miles to and from and you and Jacob can close that gap in a few seconds. But it’s built and ready,Moncler, if you want it." He said.

"Well I thank you for that. Can I ask you a question?" I said.

"Well we have one more offer. But your question first." Carlisle said.

"How is Mike? I can't wait to see him. I'm waiting until he figures out whom we are." I said.

He chuckled and got an adoring look in his eyes, "Mike is fine. He isn't close to figuring us out though. He is determined to think of us as normal. Maybe seeing you would help. He is quite a good boy. He's interested in Bella. It’s cute. Hannah encourages it greatly. They are an interesting pair Hannah and Alan."

"Perhaps you are right. Anyway what is your one more offer?" I said.

He got an embarrassed look again, "Well, don't freak out. But Alice and Esme demanded I make the offer right before it happened. But please remain calm..."

"Okay, I promise I'll remain calm. I know Alice... She does things crazy...." I said.

He got the same adoring look when he heard Alice's name. "Well, when Jacob proposes… we would like to throw the wedding. With your help of course. But Alice and Esme love weddings, and they would love it." He finished as quickly as possible.

"Why is everyone saying that Jacob is going to propose? I'm only 16! We had only met like… two weeks ago. But if so, alright. They can do my wedding with two exceptions-" I began.

"Wait wait wait. He hasn't asked yet? Alice! I'm so sorry Maggie. I've got to go." He said in a rush, patting my head and standing up.

"Um... Alright..." I said, watching as Carlisle ran towards his house.

I sat there pondering what had just happened. Jacob was going to propose to me. When would he do it? Did Hannah know about this? I would say yes, I knew that. I loved him with all my heart and soul, Id do anything for him. And marriage was just a piece of paper; Jacob and I were already bonded together for eternity.

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