
Moncler CoatsFrom:http: / / www

From:http: / / www.w3.org / TR / CSS21 / sample.html the default style sheet is for CSS2.1 HTML ,address ,blockquote ,body ,DD ,div ,DL ,DT ,fieldset ,form ,frame ,frameset ,H1 ,Moncler UK,H2 ,H3 ,H4 ,H5 ,H6 ,NOFRAMES ,ol ,P ,UL ,center ,dir ,HR ,menu ,pre {display: block} / * are more massive display ,Moncler Coats,is not listed as an inline element display ,some elements in XHTML1 abandoned * / Li {display: list-item} / * default to display a list of * / head {display: none} / * * default .
/ table {display: table} / * default table display * / TR {display: table-row} / * default table row display * / thead {display: table-header-group} / * default to form the head packet display * / tbody {display: table-row-group} / * default table row grouping display * / tFoot { display: table-footer-group} / * default to form part of bottom group display * / COL {display: table-column} / * default table column display * / colgroup {display: table-column-group} / * default to form grouping display * / TD ,th {display: table-cell ;} / * default cell display * / caption {display table-caption } / * default table caption display * / th {font-weight: Bolder ;text-align: Center} / * default table caption display ,showing bold intermediate state * / caption {text-align: Center} / * default table caption display ,showing intermediate state * / body {margin: 8px ;line-height: 1.
12 } H1 {font-size: 2em ;margin: 67em font-size H2 { 0 } : 1.5em ;margin: 75em 0} H3 {font-size: 1.17em ;margin: 83em 0} H4 ,P ,blockquote ,UL ,fieldset ,form ,ol ,DL ,dir ,menu {margin: 1.
12em 0} H5 {font-size: 83em; margin: 1.5em 0} H6 {font-size: 75em ;margin: 1.67em 0} H1 ,H2 ,H3 ,H4 ,Dr Beats Headphones,H5 ,H6 ,B ,strong {font-weight: bolder} blockquote {margin-left: 40px ;margin-right: 40px} I ,cite ,EM ,VaR ,address {font-style: italic} pre ,TT ,code ,KBD ,samp {font-family: monospace} pre {white-space: pre} button ,textarea ,input ,object ,select {display: inline-block ;} big {font-size: 1.
17em} small ,sub ,sup {font-size: 83em } sub {vertical-align: sub} / * define sub element default to subscript display * / sup {vertical-align: Super} / * define the default sub elements as superscript display * / table {border-spacing: 2px ;} thead ,tbody ,tFoot {vertical-align: middle} / * definition header ,Nike Shoes,The main table ,Moncler Jackets,table leg elements for vertically aligned default * / TD ,th {vertical-align: inherit} / * define cells ,a column heading defaults to the vertically aligned default inheritance * / s ,strike ,del {text-decoration: line-through} / * define these elements as default delete line display * / HR {border: 1px inset } / * define section line defaults to the 1px wide 3D concave edge effect * / OL ,UL ,dir ,menu ,DD {margin-left: 40px} ol {list-style-type: decimal} ol UL ,UL ol ,UL UL ,ol ol { margin-top: 0 ;margin-bottom: 0 } u { text-decoration: underline ,INS } br: before {content: " ;A" ;} / * define lf element object oriented content style * / :before ,:after {white-space: pre-line} / * define false object space character style default * / center {text-align: Center} abbr ,acronym {font-variant: small-caps ;LETTER-SPACING: 0.
1em} :link ,:visited {text-decoration: underline} :focus {Outline: thin dotted invert} / * Begin bidirectionality settings ( do not change ) * / BDO " ;ltr" ; {direction:
ltr ;unicode-bidi: bidi-override} / * define BDO element when its attributes to the DIR = " ;ltr" ;the default text reading and writing order * / BDO " ;rtl" ; {direction:
RTL ;unicode-bidi: bidi-override} / * define BDO element when its attributes to the DIR = " ;rtl" ;when the default text reading and writing order * / * " ;ltr" ;
{direction: ltr ;unicode-bidi: embed} / * define any element when the attribute is DIR = " ;ltr" ;when the default text reading and writing order * / * " ;rtl"
; {direction: RTL ;unicode-bidi: embed} / * define any element when the attribute is DIR = " ;rtl" ;when the default text reading and writing order * / @ media print { /
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