
Moncler Jakcets UKEighty- old man fell to the ground 10 minutes no one dared to help doctors arrived

2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in East Point Street, Dadong District, Shenyang City, the old man lying on the ground of the site has been blocked. Family came to cry. Reporters on the Island photo

across the street, less than 100 meters is the home for the elderly or did not back down in the street.

was hit by a car, or a sudden illness? Many people look around in the past, no one to help him up until 120 doctors arrived to confirm old man died.

13:40 yesterday, the old man lying on his back the remains of Dadong District of Shenyang City streets in the center of the left lane looking, upper body covered with curtains. Reporters noted that less than 1 m north of the elderly is the zebra crossing,UGG UK, zebra crossing outside the location of the elderly.

residents described a scene, the elderly live in East Point Street on the west side of the street of a residential building. The location of the accident the elderly elderly living area facing the door, his family residential buildings with less than 100 meters.

A witness said 12:40 Xu, elderly East Point Street from the east across the street to the house ready to go, go middle of the road, the old man suddenly fell to the ground, car car did not break, I did not see a car hit him. ran to see, and some drivers stopped the car, but no one stepped forward to help the elderly, p>

Ten minutes later, 120 emergency doctors confirmed that the ambulance arrived on the scene,UGG Sale, the old man's side did around six or seven individuals, but no one to help help the elderly.

a doctor in the emergency work that old man fall after the ground face first, mouth beneath a lot of blood, if the pedestrian can be reversed in time for the elderly, the elderly will extend the time to wait for rescue .

old son introduced, the old man over eighty,Moncler Jakcets UK, the heart is not very good, nothing to love a walk, estimated to be sudden myocardial infarction. Old son, said the old man really is his fall. After the police to open a death certificate. Old body was carried away.

4 pm yesterday, the reporter tried to enter the Shenyang Brilliance Jinbei Automobile Co., Ltd. viewing time of the incident the surveillance video, was rejected. Reporters Palace Snow

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